Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
04 Nov 2024 a group overdose on Advil shotgun11!! DO PUSHUPS OVER A KNIFE OR BEER PONG WHEN ONE OF THEM IS BLEACH OR AMONIA
22 Oct 2024 asd2q4adfsd by pouring sulfuric acid on yourself
20 Oct 2024 nigger shout the word nigger in the o block
01 Oct 2024 getcha dunk on The best way is with milk and cookies. The white chocolate chips are rat poison. Drink all the milk and you go to sleep and never feel anything.
Everyone loves dunking cookies in milk. Real cows milk. Get the whole milk... The extra fat content will never hit your thighs.
Pssshht...... Erebody knows dat milk cancels rat poison. Ha ha you were going do it too, because it really is the best way.
26 Sep 2024 council me counselor I have decided its time to get help. So I searched for a good counselor and found one. I really need to get some counciling for certain areas of my life. Like say deez nutz on the councilors chin. That part of my life needs to be addressed. Thats a potential of 30 minutes a week chin to deez nutz contact, which is better than no 30 minutes. Do the math. It checks out. Councilors just want to be alone with you in a room so they can get you naked and make you feel better about life. They are worse than all the catholic priests. They just want to help.
22 Sep 2024 new beginnings I recently learned taking a shower won't kill you. You don't actually melt and go down the drain as some urban legends claim. Showers can help with lots of things other than just one more thing to do taking up your time. Like say if you have a place on your body thats itchy taking a shower can make that go away by washing all the bacteria away that is living in sweat slime and eating dead skin cells. And all that bacteria leaves behind poop. Which is actually the smell and if left unwashed the bacteria multiplies exponentially and begins eating you. Most people call this a rash but its a flesh eating bacteria. Dont wash it. Spread that bacteria all over your body, 100% coverage of the entire epidermis. Even in your nose ears throat gums. In a few days your skin will be one huge scab. Make sure your finger prints are gone. Completely raw, no skin. Next, remove your teeth and flush every single tooth down the toilet. Now spray yourself down with pepper spray for bears. From head to toe. This step will help make you immune from all the bee stings. Next you grab a bee hive with lots of honey inside. You walk right up to a bear and break the bee hive open on yogi's head. The bear will start to maul you but because you are dripping with pepper spray for bears... yeah, so he runs away with only a small piece of honeycomb.
Now when you are found and rescued they cant identify you. You can make up who you want to be.
20 Sep 2024 Good Vibes, Positivity & Stuff Recently I learned of a hobby people do and actually like and enjoy. I am not certain what it is exactly that brings such immense enjoyment from this activity, It seems bizzare really. And some people apparently want other people to pee and poop on them. One guy I saw had his head in a box with a toilet seat above his face, lying on his back.
If you find this repulsive it may be a good reason to keep living. I think its safe to say if you get to a human toilet phase of life theres just no hope. So if you aren't a human toilet thats something you have thats not bad. Something to be happy about. And you can proclaim it to the world with me.
I am NOT a huMan toiLeT!
I am NOT a huMan toiLeT!
I am NOT a huMan toiLeT!
Hooray for me!
19 Sep 2024 maggie the maggot fried chicken farts are super deadly. Even for maggots its sure asphyxiation.
19 Sep 2024 have you seen this child? Find an apartment complex that uses a trash compactor. Climb inside, hide in the trash, wait until someone pushes the button and you get crushed with the trash. No one will find you. They will put missing posters up. Search parties. You are in a landfill. They will never find you.
19 Sep 2024 the red waterfall. Cheese flavored rat poison.
15 Sep 2024 subliminal tinkering Its so nice to be able to comment on a website and not have thumbs up or down , or algorithms , .
Or gangs of trolls, or trails of ants coming in your kitchen, and because of this we know its not death we fear but hell. With all the fire and and searing hot pitch forks being stabbed in you all day and night. And many say oh wtf ever thats not real, ok... Then why the fear about dying? Deep down we know its real, and we all knoww we are all going there. Im just trying to outlast everyone else so hopefully all the boiling pots of excrement are occupied when i get there. And because of websites like this you can be someone else in about 2 minutes. Dont try to be me tho because if you do millions of spiders will crawl out your screen and bite you in the eye balls and genitals. The hemotoxins disolving all flesh it touches. Rapid necrosis of the no-no square.
14 Sep 2024 hall of famer #73 One of my hall of fame favorites is get a super long rope. Noose around neck in a very public place. Jump from a high ledge and in mud jump pull a knife and cut open the belly so intestines fall out when rope pulls tight, breaking your neck. Everyone staring.
14 Sep 2024 you can do this. I think giving a shit is so 90's. In the first decade of the new century most people got on board with not giving a shit. Literally around 85% of the human populous of earth today no longer give even half a shit. Its socially acceptable to burn images of you in not only effigy but also in support of someone wanting to kill themselves. There really is a plethora of support groups and even people willing to mostly peacefully protest in the streets on your behalf. They will even do a go fund me to cover your funeral expenses. Help is available. Somewhere. Just not here. Sorry about that. But yay for people who want to help you accomplish your 1 life goal. Get the right help.
If you get this right you never have to deal with any of this anymore, and that is the best it can be. Put everything you have in it. Get the help you need, and get this right.
Just search around on the internet for "fatal shotgun wound image" once you see those pictures, you know the best way. Double barrel buckshot. Only seconds later parts of your face unstick and fall from the ceiling. There is literally no brain left to receive nerve impulses of pain. You won't even know elvis left the building. But listen. If you are going to do it, do that shit outside. Think of the poor guy whose got to clean that shit up. Let the little flys take care of it.
14 Sep 2024 francois There is a very dangerous gang spreading globally. The gang is from canada and its called "Fuck aboot and find out" and you know you are in their territory when you see the graffiti that is like this... EH?!!? And then a maple leaf.
These guys are dangerous and wanted for the crimes of drive by maple syruping, being overly nice, and having really good marijuana. If you see these gangsters do not approach them and call the mounties immediately. If you fuck aboot you will find out all aboot maple syrup in your face and hair.
09 Sep 2024 moldy ejaculate With so many stupid people in the world there is no shortage of people to troll on the internet. What more could anyone ask for? If you can't be happy with simple things in life like trolling millions of people who have never been trolled so they might cry, then what could possibly make living do-able?
Its always good to network with other trolls so you can help your fellow trolls in swarms by notification on your phone.
07 Sep 2024 nigger please (yes, its my real name) Go to your local train yard in the dark of night. Spray paint on the side of hundreds of shipping containers "" and then lay on the tracks and just wait.
You may want to take some headphones and listen to some seriously relaxing music while you are waiting for your train.

And.. if you start to chicken out just quote the little engine that could...

"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, ...."

All aboard!!! Choo-choo!
07 Sep 2024 keepin reality at arms length Instead of killing yourself make it your lifes sole purpose to go to the island and capture komodo dragons and breed them. Release them in cities by the thousands. I began this very journey in life only 4 years ago. I am almost ready to release 2500 komodo dragons. The good news here is... If you fail to capture the bloodthirsty reptiles its because you got ate. Its suicide to go to this island. So its a win win. You can always kys after you release thousands of komodo dragons. And if you get caught doing this and go to prison you can still kys in prison. I could really use your help in populating the whole world with komodo dragons and if you are not going to do anything with your life this is a noble cause as it would bring an end to most life on earth. Dont run from the problems. End the problems for everyone forever. You could be a hero. Kinda sorta. Well maybe not but you already know nobody cares. If you are smart you could even try splicing komodo DNA with your own DNA for future clones to help clean your room.
07 Sep 2024 keepin reality at arms length Instead of killing yourself make it your lifes sole purpose to go to the island and capture komodo dragons and breed them. Release them in cities by the thousands. I began this very journey in life only 4 years ago. I am almost ready to release 2500 komodo dragons. The good news here is... If you fail to capture the bloodthirsty reptiles its because you got ate. Its suicide to go to this island. So its a win win. You can always kys after you release thousands of komodo dragons. And if you get caught doing this and go to prison you can still kys in prison. I could really use your help in populating the whole world with komodo dragons and if you are not going to do anything with your life this is a noble cause as it would bring an end to most life on earth. Dont run from the problems. End the problems for everyone forever. You could be a hero. Kinda sorta. Well maybe not but you already know nobody cares. If you are smart you could even try splicing komodo DNA with your own DNA for future clones to help clean your room.
03 Sep 2024 jeremy rennerz Get drunk af doing the day drinking then go operate a snow plow and have an "accident" but play it off like you are a real super hero, but really you are the last person people need to be hearing " i can do anything" from.
Face it jeremey... You are a horrible role model, even for hoodrat kids in detroit who dont have a family and eat the food you... People like you... Throw in the trash. KYSB!
29 Aug 2024 Jalopee Eat your own corpse. Start with the legs, skip the intestines as they have poop inside. Eat your face next.

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