Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form. |
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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13? Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans? |
04 Aug 2024 | metamorphius decompious | Put live maggots in your ears and butt hole. But first go dig up a few stiffs at the graveyard and pose them around the house. Watch the maggots eat your new friends too! Do a time lapse video and vlog the last week before you let maggots eat your ass. And video the strip poker and orgy that follows. |
30 Jul 2024 | masingil | Theres a new holiday every month on the 3rd of every month. This holiday is special because its a day when anyone can nominate anyone to be the new douche lord of the universe of the month which comes with a gift bag and a gift card with no money on it. This automatically enters someone in the hall of shame for all remaining and future history. |
28 Jul 2024 | mila | go 5 mins with no skibidi toilet |
23 Jul 2024 | little timmy | Theres a boy at my school everyone picks on. They went overboard last year during gym class. They went out to the big field and they jumped him and held him down and pushed his face into dog shit and then they made him lick it all up. He was gagging and slobbering heavy until he threw up. Now its summertime and these guys who made him eat dog shit are in the local newspaper. The obituaries. I think the little nerd finally had enough ribs and nose broken. Now he is a psychopathic killer. I think I want to make friends with this guy. Or he might kill me too. Either way its a win for me. Just imagine how exhilarating it must be to take out one by one the guys that made you eat dog shit while the whole school laughs. The opposite end of the spectrum has people saying big deal its just extra protein. Where are you at on the scale? And just remember, theres nothing like locking eyes with a dog while its taking a crap, and you see in the dogs eyes it doesn't want you to watch it. You had a moment with the dog just then. |
18 Jul 2024 | poontang sauce | My poontang has reached full homeostasis and will now be frozen with liquid nitrogen and then shattered with a hammer. |
11 Jul 2024 | Егор | подрочить в баночку |
11 Jul 2024 | korodom | hang yourself. its not as slow as you think. if you want it quicker you can slit your arteries before hanging.its a mess but its not like youre going to clean it up. its not getting any better dear children. either do it yourself or take others with you. |
11 Jul 2024 | korodom | hang yourself. its not as slow as you think. if you want it quicker you can slit your arteries before hanging.its a mess but its not like youre going to clean it up. its not getting any better dear children. either do it yourself or take others with you. |
10 Jul 2024 | turkish girl | if ur gonna do it kill everyone who hurt you before ending your life. at least you will feel like you got your revenge. |
29 Jun 2024 | Humanoide supremacy | Colocar laxante no cu e ter diarreia pela boca e morrer |
27 Jun 2024 | scenegirlshooter88 | get razor blades +inhale wipped cream, wipped cream nitro will make you feel numb, then u can cut ur wrists numb :) -zee |
16 Jun 2024 | G. F. I. T. A. B. A. Reindeer. | I think perhaps the best advice i could give wood knot bee how to best off yourself. But instead, be very careful around santas reindeer. As they fly all that air just wisps and wisps upon their balls and they become very horny. The last thing you want on christmas night is to be getting fucked in the ass by a reindeer, and then your mom comes to investigate what all the noise is but its you screaming as you are getting fucked in the ass .. by a reindeer. Do you really want your mother to see that? A reindeer copulate in your ass? Wtf is going on here? Santa isnt real you dumbass kids. Haven't you figured out yet that santa brings expensive toys to kids with rich parents and poor families kids get socks. And if global warming was real dont you think santas glacier would be melting and david attenborough would be narrating some nat geo BS about santie claws is gonna fucking dieeee? And everyone knows elves cant swim. It would be a buffet for polar bears and sea lions. Your parents lied to you! Make them pay! Take a crap in their closet! -OR- you can play along and remember, these MFers lied to you. Do not let them know you know santa is a fucking lie. Make them feel guilty. Ask them if you are a bad kid because santa brings you crap presents? Then start crying. Keep saying you are a bad person. Make them feel bad for lying to you and milk it for every toy you can. On christmas morning even if its awesome toys, just start crying and go back to your room. Dont even play with the toys. Just look at them and cry. |
03 Jun 2024 | FML¹⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰¹ | Everyday put a stick of butter in a tortilla. Put a lot of salt and sugar. Eat this and only this until you have a heart attack from clogged arteries. If you want to speed things along inject used motor oil into your veins. |
28 May 2024 | big booty holes | Today is booty hole appreciation month. A whole month of being glad you have a booty hole and how it always has your back, even in the shittiest of situations. People are encouraged to post a picture a day on social media to show off how big a poop you can make. |
27 May 2024 | yellow tree dicks (bananas | Experience the cock. Early every morning crowing, waking everything up. The cock perches on your bedroom window seal and emits and instant tsunami of sound, violating your ears. This rips you from your sleep and your bedsheets trailing behind you. Now eat this cupcake which contains zero sedatives, i promise. |
25 May 2024 | bob | I remember my first pet monkey. It had not been genetically modified so it still had certain traits a lot of people consider undesirable. Such as throwing fresh poop on you. I tried it once with my monkey and i must say slinging your poop all over others is a smashing good time.. don't knock it until you have tried it. But if you do get a genetically modified monkey do not teach them about throwing poop. |
25 May 2024 | cooper | Big fat mop stick right up the ass until you can bite down on the wood with your teeth. Having already soaked the stick in diesel you light it on fire, both ends. This will form a hot coal that runs thru your mouth, thru your guts and out the booty hole. This coal will burn a hole thru your torso. After that we can fix you up with some essential surgeries such as removing your stomach so you never feel hungry again. And we just install a feeding tube thru your trachea. That may effect your breathing so we stick a hose down your throat and into your lungs and pump oxygen in. Next we will remove your eye lids so you never have to sleep again. Next we get you hooked up with a caffeine drip in your I. V. So you stay alert. |
18 May 2024 | crimson ebb & flo | Its finally official. They are going to do a real scientific study on the effects of cutting during menstruation. It will be so interesting if you can cut your wrist open and bleed to alleviate heavy flow. The best part is i signed up 6 months ago to be apart of the control group. Which is great because in control they do less experimenting on you and you get paid. |
15 May 2024 | Geraldean Bosquine Clementíne | Im just going to pour out a little of this black market import potato whiskey made in russia for all the homies who have in years gone by come to this website... But they don't anymore for whatever reason and lets not speculate as to why. We already know why. And now i am going to drink the rest of this bottle. It says it 93% ABV, thats alcohol by volume. Hopefully i wont get alcohol poisoning. I really hate those 3-4 day hangovers. |
13 May 2024 | gdtvmama | tell your father "I fucked your mother" |
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