Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
04 May 2024 are you not entertained? Find a wind tunnel used for testing the structural integrity of products in hurricane winds. Go in tunnel. Strap yourself in for 200+mph winds... Turn on wind tunnel fans... Dump tons of broken glass shards into the wind tunnel current and you are ground into fine bits and the wind evaporates all your juices. Make sure to wear saftey goggles so you can watch it all.
03 May 2024 the rape guru The culture of india is heavily steeped in gang rapes that the woman... Or girl dies from the gang rape. Normally they continue to gang rape for hours after the gang rape victim has died.
03 May 2024 a real great guy 72.4% of the time. Do a bunch of kebabs with rat meat and invite a bunch of people. When they are all eating tell them its rat meat, then shoot yourself in the head.
A nice gentle mental fucking with a side of trauma.
They have to live with eating rat and watching you paint the ceiling.
02 May 2024 captian shatner I sure feel bad for all those guys who blew themselves up thinking they were getting 72 virgins. Only place you will find 72 virgins is a star trek convention.
"Going .. where... No man... Has gone... Before!
02 May 2024 societal cast away Eating a deep fried horse dick and/or dicks.
30 Apr 2024   This is a public service announcement. Theres a drug on the streets. It has many names. Precisely its embalming fluid they cut with PCP and dip a cigarette in it let it dry and smoke it. It has a chemical smell and will make the cigarette cherry flame up. Now embalming fluid will cause once alive tissues to slow down decomposition, but in living tissue it disolves tissue, all tissue. Muscles, lungs, brain cells, etc. It effects every part of you... And does not get you high at all. What you want is to get just the PCP. Angel dust. This shit gets you higher than giraffe cooch. Like whole other galaxies and demensions. Roll some of that crystaline dust in a fat joint and you are going to be tripping out. PCP is what they give to large animals to do surgery on them. They might have it at your local veterinarian that messes with horses and stuff. They wont sell it to you. You have to steal it.
30 Apr 2024 albert fish Today i was at my local hardware store and there was a man having a bad day, obviously. And he just had to be right next to and half way in front of the exact bucket of screws i needed for a project. I tried to be respectful and say excuse me sir, and this A-hole gets louder and disrespectful. I looked him right in his eyes and let him finish his rant. I just reached down and grabbed the leg of the shelves and pulled up and out and screws spilled everywhere. I quickly began shouting, why did you do that? Over and over. When he tried to tell the truth and say i did it, i just got louder saying you could have killed both of us. He got banned from the store. I followed him in the parkinglot. When he parked again i poured a gallon of bleach in his fuel tank. Later on his drive home his car wasn't running right and he pulled over. I made the block and came back. He was outside the car so i pull up. I got my members mark jacket on for crowbar concealment in the sleeve, gravity drop and its out. I hit him in the back of the knees. When he drops i concentrate on crushing up all knee bone structure. I break both hands and all fingers bad. I remove one ear and his tongue with pliers and a knife. I leave him on the side of the road.
The moral of the story is be nice to everyone or they might stalk you like prey and you might not be ready for next level hunter shit where necklaces are made from ears.
And i even made it back home before the ice cream melted. And yes, vanilla bean with chocolate syrup.
29 Apr 2024 cute cat meme empo®ium. /╲/╭(•‿•)╮/╱ Prepare yourself for another hard truth that many will find unpleasant. A large portion of people in the world despise drug use. In every nation there is a stigma to varying degree. And how many of these billions are making excuses to justify them being on "social media" knowing full well they shouldn't be, just so they can get their dopamine fix from someone liking their comment or cute cat memes. Which only half are actually good cat memes. And oh my i just rubbed my eye with jalapeno juice on my finger and its still better than your cat memes. Let me rub my other eye now. Oh yes, thats much better.
29 Apr 2024 cute cat meme empo®ium. /╲/╭(•‿•)╮/╱ Prepare yourself for another hard truth that many will find unpleasant. A large portion of people in the world despise drug use. In every nation there is a stigma to varying degree. And how many of these billions are making excuses to justify them being on "social media" knowing full well they shouldn't be, just so they can get their dopamine fix from someone liking their comment or cute cat memes. Which only half are actually good cat memes. And oh my i just rubbed my eye with jalapeno juice on my finger and its still better than your cat memes. Let me rub my other eye now. Oh yes, thats much better.
28 Apr 2024 McFly. I recently read a book that explains in great detail the proper way to take a shit. I thought they had to be full of crap but i tryed it and i can honestly say most people have been been going about this whole excretion of bodily waste thing completely wrong their entire life. This knowledge is lifechanging. Once enlightened you will never try to go back to the old way of pooping, which by the way may cause constipation by leaving small amounts of fecal residue in the creases and folds of your rectum. Over time it hardens like concrete causing more residual buildup. Eventually causing a blockage. This could be big problems in little booty hole town. When was the last time you got out your turkey baster and went to funky town? You could have blockage so big right now... And no one is going to help you. Sure you could squirt muratic acid up in there and let it dissolve your crap boulders but thats not going to stop your mom from trying to get me to spend the night so i can pound her raw. What can you do about that? I will tell you. You can set up cameras and do a hidden webcam show and split the money with me. Dont act upset your moms a hoe.
28 Apr 2024 happily ever after... I went to the graveyard today. Went to visit my ex. She was there. Obviously right? I mean, you know, she's dead. Where is she going to go? But whats real cool is her sister that looks just like her was there and i think she is going to be my new cum dump. Yeah.
She just ran up to me crying and hugged me. And laid her head on my chest and checking out my junk. I didn't even try to stop it.
28 Apr 2024 dreams really do come true... I have always thought the best way question is kind of .. ironic. If you're dead its not like you care anymore. Definitely don't cut tho. It gets scary down in there when its your raw meat and fat laid open. You can just hit up a gore channel and you won't want to do that, no more. Unless self dismemberment is a life goal yeah, dont cut. Its a deep wrist, i mean rabbit hole and you just get sucked in and deeper and longer is the name of the, addiction really. Some say its a demon spirit inhabiting them making them want to cut, tormenting their mind... But i think most people would say thats nonsense. But if you see spiders in dreams and hallucinations it may be something to consider. But dont go to the fancy cathedrals to get an exercism. They love the little boys and girls a little to much. You might end up in a dungeon with your knees and elbows surgically removed and they rape you in every hole you got until they sacrifice you to whatever flavor of the week god it is they are worshipping atm.
27 Apr 2024 luna or cansu im luna (cansu) if you know me and if anyone sees this here on this website i am already dead i will try all the things written here my body is more pretty when its out of blood when its rotting i will be more pretty
26 Apr 2024 "afterbirth" Hooray! I don't feel rejected!
And the collage has been lightly oiled and the air conditioner set at 62°F w/etf that is... And all the nips are crisp and delightful. The account restored and thus guardian of the internet suicide tips squad and intergalactic monkey beans, chop sticks and asian gangsters, zip ties and international holidays. Tom cruise on speed dial. What can i say, life is great. So i already picked out my grave site and tombstone. It has a hairy ballsack and "deez nutz" etched in white limestone. Cant wait. I think i will just schedule it for next friday. Big bar-b-que. Beef fajitas and shrimp. Everyones invited. I just climb in the hole and everyone can throw dirt on me after we eat. Cake and ice cream for all you tubbies. Firework show after i am buried that is to die for! Dont miss it!
26 Apr 2024 "I'LL lEt yoU sEe mINe IF... You put da xanex lime in da co-cuh-nut!
You put da key in the ignition and go driving on the freeway.
25 Apr 2024 mental giant. Make a huge white hot air balloon and paint this on the side:
"Totary not a Chinese spy barroon"
Next, fly over military bases and wait to be shot down.
24 Apr 2024 cloning humans since 1984 I have audible hallucinations. I hear what i don't see. You cant see it either because it isnt there. Can you hear it because its telling me to stab you in the neck and urinate on you as you are loosing consciousness.
24 Apr 2024 we're out of redpills, but we have suppositories. Once upon a never fucking happened magical fairy dream world your mother was super duper horny. She got your dad drunk and took advantage of a fairly ugly but not to bad young man. This is where you come in. Your dad didn't even remember and didn't even know your moms full name. But then you were on the way. And your dad was enraged, and slit you moms throat, killing her and the baby. You see, you were never really born. Your dad killed you before you were born. Your whole life is just a dream. A program running its script. You are in the matrix now. When you stop having the dreams they unplugged you and are going to deep fry and eat you. So, its ok. Just go back to sleep.
14 Apr 2024 батырхан олжабаев дрочка 20-41 раз в день
09 Apr 2024 John mark L. Arcangeles Getting squashed by a hydraulic press

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