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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
31 Jul 2024 Sav Hi my name is Savannah There are plenty of ways to kill yourself a couple that I tried doing was jumping off the school building when no one was around or a train or just to grab a knife and slit my wrist or you could take a bunch of pills, but I’m still here and I don’t recommend doing any of this it messed me up And I’m only 13 I want to die too I’m only here because of my friend
31 Jul 2024 Sav There are plenty of ways to kill yourself a couple that I tried doing was jumping off the school building when no one was around or a train or just to grab a knife and slit my wrist or you could take a bunch of pills, but I’m still here and I don’t recommend doing any of this it messed me up And I’m only 13 I want to die too I’m only here because of my friend
22 Jul 2024 yari overdose on your adderall, make sure you finish the whole bottle or it wont work (from experience)
18 Jul 2024 Basia I dont know...was trying, but guess what? im still here, so maybe one day i'll end like some of that deads poets, i really like poetry, anyway im not longer 13 so let me just stay in my thoughts
02 Jul 2024 ame ive tried to die many times and od many times but im still here...... getting worse n worse eveeyday what i do
21 Jun 2024 rory in my almost 16 years of living i've learned a lot. it doesn't get better. we just say that to give hope. life never gets better, you just find better ways to distract yourself. you find new ways to cope, and you find new ways to hurt. if i were to kill myself id probably do it by strangulation. i wanna go out as some edgy teen who ended up actually being smart but too weak to carry the weight of the world. i'd write letters to every single family member and friend, i'd make sure theyd get sent to them individually. maybe i'll be like the star hannah baker and speak my letters into a tape, or maybe i'll be like nicole from class of 09 and just write it on myspace. but whatever happens just know you *are* loved. i know that and i still want to kill myself. i'm not selfish, i'm not an attention whore. im just a teenage boy who's meds stopped working. meds don't make everything better, it just makes you unable to cry. mine stopped working like a week ago. i went onto this site and saw a bunch of people writing their last words. and honestly, i couldnt care less. people will do what they want to do but i genuinely dont feel empathy or sympathy or any of that bullshit. i feel bad for hurt animals. but not people
17 Jun 2024 Marilia I tried to cut my wrist and that didn't work so don't do that sigh
12 Jun 2024 Credence I once took 30 Benadrly pills, I wanted to get high but i also wanted to die. It was fun at first, i got woozy and horny but then the dread set in and it was all consumeing and i was terrified i had never been more terrified and i threw up everywhee and it was bright pink and mocking me and i was so scared
12 May 2024 Josep Lavin I don't recommend you to do it, I already did it and it worked, but if you really wanna know, you can cut your throat with a knife
01 Apr 2024 Cesar Hey it's Cesar, here's a lil introduction to get to know me better before you know my recommendation.

I am Cesar, no it's not my real name nor a nickname, I just prefer to be called Cesar as it separates me from my own personal identity. I grew up in a religious household with a family devoted to god, though as years pass, the pile of sins keeps getting higher and higher. At this point, it looks like it's going to reach the moon. Sure, I didn't grow up with the best parents nor the best people but I sure made a name for myself with the people around me. I grew up being bullied and ugly, the bullying only stopped once I had moved away from my supposed "home". I've mostly given up on life with a little bit of glimpse of hope my best friends and boyfriend gave me to continue with this tangled, messed up life I live in. Well I think that's enough background, now my recommendations.

Personally from my experience and my preferred method of self execution is overdosing as to me, this is the most calmest and not as painful as cutting yourself or hanging. Though, the only pain you would feel is the headaches but music could be a helpful solutions to that as it can clear up your thoughts. You could just put some on headphones, play the songs of your choice, pop some pills and lay back as you close your eyes. Soon enough, you'll be gone. Although I can't really say if you would really be gone as i've taken 5 pills of 400mg of XXXXXX with 20mg of caffeine in it and yet I still survived so if you want a chance to still keep living, just pop 5 pills of 400mg of XXXXXXX and you'll be good to go. Well that's all from me. Good luck.
(Any questions will be answered)
15 Mar 2024 Texas When I was 10, I was extremely depressed, and this 19 year old online convinced me to watch large amounts of gore videos. I would fantasize about breaking my legs to have people care about me. But one day I decided to go downstairs and get a large knife. I was going to stab it into my stomach and slowly bleed out and make everyone who hated me know that they had done it to me.

But I didn’t. And so I am still here. Now I take Prozac every afternoon and occasionally drink the pain away. But I am alive. And being alive is so wonderful. I once had a very close friend, perhaps even a lover. I was 13 (though I lied at first, of course, and eventually told him my true age) and he was 14. We called him Quince or Quincy or Soup. We were two boys in love and were too afraid to admit it until it was too late. And now he is dead. I miss him quite a lot. I no longer want to die anymore. Maybe I am someone’s Quince. Nobody deserves that pain.
08 Feb 2024 Juvin Dont kill ya self, i luv u
17 Nov 2023   pills. when i was 11 i overdosed on pills. it almost killed me. they were otc medications, something that mostly anyone has. but it doesn't always work. you'll feel incredibly sick for days if you survive, so sick that you wish you would've just died. you'll lose your appetite, and you'll throw up plain bile for a week. if you receive medical attention, they'll pump your stomach or give you charcoal. but if it does work, it'll only hurt a little bit for a little while.
13 Nov 2023 bon I remember the time I felt too overwhelmed and decided to do something that I'd never thought I would.
I started running.
I started running so hard that I cannot recall when was the last time I consciously ran that far. I do not think I have surpassed the distance yet.
I ran so far away I ran pass my elementary school,
the old place I used to cut my hair, the family business, the café where I said my deepest secret, that old park I used to visit, the old houses I already have engraved in my brain, and the new ones I had yet not recognized, strange faces, personal conversations, I flew past all of that that I never had the time to process it all.
Then my lungs started screaming,
finally fell down, despite how loud they were gasping for air, the way I sat down and cried was so quiet
very quiet sobs. I had so many thoughts, I thought that running would make me somehow run away from the mental torture I go through every day. It's horrible to think we can escape what we see every day, they are staring,
and they are whispering.
09 Oct 2023 L3XXXYD0LL I... actually don't know...I know how it feels to want to end your life when you're under 13.

I was once 12 but I turned older on July 14, 2023

Today is Monday, October 9th, 2023 at 7:44 in Tijuana, baja California, Mexico.
18 Sep 2023 Yuqing You can choose euthanasia to ensure that the procedure is painless.I think I didn't die many times because I was afraid of the pain.
10 Aug 2023 greta when i was a kid i would constantly imagine myself dying in front of every person who ever was mean to me or annoyed me or my parents or anything. i remember being like 5 and thinking about how tom in my art class would look after an asteroid fell through the roof and crushed me after he called me a "poophead". i still think about it sometimes. i think if i were to kill myself i would want people who dont like me to know about it and think that they caused it but that is also kinda pathetic and weird its not a power move to let someone get what they want
02 Aug 2023 Борис В тот момент, когда тебе станет тяжелее всего, настолько тяжело, что ты почти не сможешь дышать от тяжести своих мыслей и переживаний, попробуй подумать о том что когда-нибудь всё изменится и будет совсем по-другому, так, как ты хочешь. Подумай о том, что если сейчас ты совершишь это деяние, то на том свете будешь неоднократно жалеть а содеянном, потому что больше не сможешь ничего вернуть, ты не сможешь вернуть себя и не сможешь вернуть своё прошлое, которое впоследствии может остаться просто страшным кошмаром твоей жизни и ничем более. Вспоминай это, если И когда у тебя случится что-то хорошее, или напротив, что-то плохое. Мы, люди, чем-то похожи на батарейки, но в чём-то мы отличны от них. Наш ресурс, заряд энергии, порой истощается, но при этом мы не в коем случае не должны выкидывать себя на свалку просто потому, что прямо сейчас не способны его восполнить.
29 Jul 2023 Krimzen00 I would suppose, if one, at such a youthful age contemplated such a thing like suicide, the best way is for that person to survive it not doing anything at all, as that would kill the demon speaking in their ear.
22 Jul 2023 Jiji Jump off the freeway bridge. I had dreams about this. They were all failed attempts because they were dreams but that just makes me less fearless to accomplish this in reality.

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