Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form. |
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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13? Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans? |
24 Feb 2025 | b | i tried quite a few times. failed every time. do not trust tv. slitting your wrists not a good method |
06 Feb 2025 | vinodelectable | When you see it, don't move When it sees you, don't move IT DRINKS THE BLOOD OF YOUR SOUL AND DRAGS YOU TO HELL THE HANDS GRASP AT YOU, AND YOUR FAMILY CAN'T HEAR YOU YELL Paint my face with blood, and I'll be pretty again! Am I pretty, DEAR WONDROUS FATHER? AM I BEAUTIFUL YET? It's not real its never real It's not real its never real It's not real its never real It's not real its never real It's not real its never real It's not real its never real It's not real its never real It's not real its never real Welcome, fellow blasphemer. |
26 Jan 2025 | Вероника | Сначало тебе нужно найти люстру. Убедись, что она крепко держится на потолке. Поставь возле неё стул (лучше табуретку). Возьми крепкую верёвку. Сделай петлю, не забудь крепко затянуть. Повяжи эту петлю на люстру. Натяни петлю на шею. Встань на стул, и толкни его, чтобы он упал. Примечание: может не получиться. Потому, что моя сестра выбрала не крепкую верёвку, и верёвка порвалась, а сестра упала на пол, и сломала себе шею. Было так много крови... |
04 Jan 2025 | message me anyway. | We're not kids anymore, not after that first cut, that first try. As soon as the thought enters your mind. Suicide always fascinated me. Now I found this website. People like me. People who either want to die or have already tried. What does it feel like to die, my friends? Tell me how it feels. Is it as blissful as I've always imagined? And what about to kill? To stab and to hurt? Does it fill you with joy as I feel it should? I wish I could harm everyone who hurt me, but I don't have the guts. Please, e-mail me and tell me your stories. I don't know if I'll respond. If I do, it will be words of advice, and if I don't... |
03 Jan 2025 | kenzo | I want it over That's all But he won't let me leave I love him too much I love all three of them I can't leave them I wish I could But then they'd be sad How can suicide be viewed as a joke? Has no one felt this way? They place blame and blame all over The gun didn't fire Why didn't the gun fire He was so sad And I was 14 Did I deserve it I know I did I know it I need to end it all Please Message God for me I've tried to do it 8 times so far I can't succeed why why why I want it over Someone fucking end it But I'll be okay I have to be I can't disappoint everyone I have to live I hate this |
23 Oct 2024 | S. | When I was 12 I tried jumping. It did not work because of my survival instincts. |
26 Sep 2024 | c.a | im back again im sixteen now i haven't tried to kill myself in a long time, i think about it a lot but ive never gotten close enough i think about a lot a lot a lot of things that i dont think ill ever say out loud i realized a lot of what i think and know is all in my head, nobody will ever be able to know me in that way how close would they have to get to me for me to say these things maybe one day i will but for now saying them out loud feels like committing a crime i shouldn't still think this way of myself not after all the help they've tried to give me sometimes i think im the only person who thinks these thoughts my mind is constantly thinking of 100 different things which is one of the reasons i haven't been back to mouchette in so long i dont know where to start. fear and shame run my life so to answer the question i think in order to kill yourself you have to allow shame and jealously consume you. |
19 Sep 2024 | humpty dumpty | There is a fine line between despair and self hate, however the complete spectrum is quite broad even beyond the abilities of the human psyche to perceive at times. The weight of despair can crush the human psyche while self hate already has a crushed psyche and is an outward projection of the inner rage of being broken. Thats the real problem is being broken. I was broken once. I was sitting on a tall wall at buckingham palace. I had a terrible fall and i was broken very badly. The king and the queen sent for all their very best doctors on the fastest horses. But none of them could fix me up and put me back together again. |
11 Sep 2024 | Ghostiee! | I hope, whoever you are, that you're doing ok, I wouldn't wish this fate upon anyone. I don't know. I haven't succeeded yet... steal a sharpener from your school, grab a hairclip. unscrew the screw. you have yourself a blade. cut in the inside of your wrist for maximum blood letting. you will have to cut HARD. sit in a bath filled with warm water if you want to look better upon death. Here are some poems I wrote about cutting yourself/suicide: THERE IS NOWHERE TO HIDE. LET IT OUT ON YOUR SKIN. BLEED FOR ME. BLEED. I WILL DRINK YOU LIKE MY TEARS. The point of a blade digs in ever so neatly. Slide. And the thoughts drain out your open wound. Is this what life is? Miserable existence? Cutting yourself down to the bone, down till there’s nothing left? Should I be feeling this way? Should I be feeling at all? My thighs sting and itch, my face is wet, my blade is wet too... maybe if I take out my eyes, I won't cry? Maybe if I take out my mind, I won't feel? Christ, how does it always lead to this, how does it always get this bad? No-one's here to save me. I TRIED MY HARDEST I DID THE BEST I COULD POSSIBLY FUCKING DO I TRIED I TRIED I TRIED ITRIEDITRIEDITRIEDITRIEDITRIED Please don’t tell me they’re still here thank you for putting up with me. do you want my favorite line I've ever created? THEY DID NOT TAKE FROM ME WHAT I HAVE NOT WILLINGLY GIVEN goodbye, -Ghostiee! He/They |
07 Aug 2024 | felix | Cuts to the wrists and neck are easily obtainable. It’s my person favorite way of attempting. Don’t coward out if you want it to work, though, because you won’t slash deep enough and you will be left with the reminder; people will pity you and god how pity is disgusting. Make sure you hate yourself the most when you do this so you don’t hold back. |
31 Jul 2024 | Sav | Hi my name is Savannah There are plenty of ways to kill yourself a couple that I tried doing was jumping off the school building when no one was around or a train or just to grab a knife and slit my wrist or you could take a bunch of pills, but I’m still here and I don’t recommend doing any of this it messed me up And I’m only 13 I want to die too I’m only here because of my friend |
31 Jul 2024 | Sav | There are plenty of ways to kill yourself a couple that I tried doing was jumping off the school building when no one was around or a train or just to grab a knife and slit my wrist or you could take a bunch of pills, but I’m still here and I don’t recommend doing any of this it messed me up And I’m only 13 I want to die too I’m only here because of my friend |
22 Jul 2024 | Johnny Melton | This shit sucks. I don't want to see shit I wrote when I was 13 on here. I don't want to see shit I wrote when I was 14 on here. (I don't think I wrote anything when I was 15, but believe me - I was pretty damn unhappy.) I just want to be a normal person. I used to be fucking annoying with no self-awareness. I hate being *aware* of things. This SUCKS. Hate this. Hate looking at people's TikToks (although those only show the highs of people's lives, my instinctually naive ass will believe they reflect reality.) The SanctionedSuicide forums have recently introduced a "recovery" subforum. Which is good. The people on there are WAY too trigger-happy about the circumstances in which someone will "CTB". Personally, I believe attempting to kill yourself over the age of 21 should be "decriminalized" in that there shouldn't be any involuntary psych holds for that purpose. And preferably, there should be a safe and totally legal process you can go through if you're over 35, kind of like MAID. Have I wasted my youth? When I'm older and I /know/ that I am in decline (because I know I'll think about *it* for a while but I'll never actually go through with it - this is the folly of an unhappy tween such as yourself, Mouchette) I'll think to myself, "Gee. I sure do wish I spent more time thinking about school. I sure do wish I spent more time staring blankly into a tiny glowing screen." And then, a (hopefully short) while after that, I'll die unceremoniously. OK. Bye-bye Mouchette. I have to do my online summer CC physics homework now. The class ends in 3 days and I am currently failing. Futuristically-inclined, trauma-nostalgic bastard Mawhnny Jay, signing off. |
22 Jul 2024 | yari | overdose on your adderall, make sure you finish the whole bottle or it wont work (from experience) |
18 Jul 2024 | Basia | I dont know...was trying, but guess what? im still here, so maybe one day i'll end like some of that deads poets, i really like poetry, anyway im not longer 13 so let me just stay in my thoughts |
11 Jul 2024 | Panchita | Feel love and then lose it |
02 Jul 2024 | ame | ive tried to die many times and od many times but im still here...... getting worse n worse eveeyday what i do |
25 Jun 2024 | Captiancream64 | from what i've done slitting your wrist is the best way to do it i guess, but if your a true sigma rizzler like duke dennis my beautiful king. dont do it cus its to much of a hassle trying to hide the scars:3 |
21 Jun 2024 | rory | in my almost 16 years of living i've learned a lot. it doesn't get better. we just say that to give hope. life never gets better, you just find better ways to distract yourself. you find new ways to cope, and you find new ways to hurt. if i were to kill myself id probably do it by strangulation. i wanna go out as some edgy teen who ended up actually being smart but too weak to carry the weight of the world. i'd write letters to every single family member and friend, i'd make sure theyd get sent to them individually. maybe i'll be like the star hannah baker and speak my letters into a tape, or maybe i'll be like nicole from class of 09 and just write it on myspace. but whatever happens just know you *are* loved. i know that and i still want to kill myself. i'm not selfish, i'm not an attention whore. im just a teenage boy who's meds stopped working. meds don't make everything better, it just makes you unable to cry. mine stopped working like a week ago. i went onto this site and saw a bunch of people writing their last words. and honestly, i couldnt care less. people will do what they want to do but i genuinely dont feel empathy or sympathy or any of that bullshit. i feel bad for hurt animals. but not people |
17 Jun 2024 | mari | when I was 6 that was the first time I've ever wanted to kill myself, it was cause I saw my uncle kill my goat that I adored, I felt guilt and had wished I was the one getting their throat slit not him. I didn't eat for days I got better. Till middle school I hated everyone and was so pissy I had cut myself in class when a girl behind me saw and ofc reported me that day I was crying in the car as my mom yelled at me as I begged for forgiveness but she was so sd I had to stay in suicide watch for a long ass time I was the youngest one there. I hadn't ever gotten clean though my mom had thought till 4 days after my birthday she randomly decided to do a body check finding all my fresh cuts she yelled more than last time she went to the kitchen got a knife and threw it on the ground infant of me and just kept telling me "IF YOU REALLY WANNA KILL YOURSELF DO IT NOW!!!" I had thought about reaching out for it and just doing it but I didn't wanna kill myself infant of my own mother, I again didn't go clean and just hid it from her. high school freshman year, a whole bunch of shit happened and I stupid posted fresh cuts on a website that won't be named since I wanted people to care about me and someone I thought was my friend reported me to my school, the school went through my backpack found my blades and they searched my arms and legs and cleaned up my fresh cuts since they had too I guess they ofc called my mom I went to suicide watch again they were gonna send me to the ward but my mom refused they gave me a therapist but she quit so we got a new one now im antidepressants (prozac) and everyone at school hates me, I don't try to do anything wrong but I always fuck everything up im going to start sophomore year next school year and im dreading it I really don't think my life will ever get better. |
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