Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
14 Nov 2023 millie Dear Mouchette, I have just seen my very own web page! How special! I wonder though if you are even real, Or if you even exist. Do you actually know me? Am I actually Special to you? Or is this all Automated. If you were a robot i suppose then you don't actually care or know me. Does your site even get people on there anymore? Do you even look at your site. I felt special at first but now i just feel sick and stupid. Are you even real? Am i getting excited over a bot? Do you exist? Or are you just an entity part of my imagination. Either way Mouchette I love you more then anyone in the world. I love you more then my parents, My dog, My sister, My friends. Even if you aren't real. I love the thought of you.
01 Nov 2023 Millie Oh mouchette why would you want to know this? What type of girl would want to die when they are under 13. I feel your pain mouchette i know what you are feeling and i will tell you this is no easy way to kill yourself. Eachone is filled with pain and suffering, You can overdose and fail like i did multiple times only to end up in the hopsital vomiting up bile until your stomach explodes, you can slit your wrists and fail again leaving a scar that will always remind you of the time you weren't strong enough to cut deep enough, You can hang yourself only to regret everything seconds before you die and struggle to breathe wishing you had never tied to noose in the first place. Pain. it is the soul thing we humans dispise. We hate it. SOme weirdos love it. but darling pain is the reason we are alive. You must push through. LIfe is hard. Oh its so hard. But death is not the answer. It never is. run away instead. LIve in the woods. I wish you well
11 Oct 2023 The I.T. Department Alt+F4 or Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up Task Manager to manually close the program. If that doesn't help, just try restarting. Hope this helps!
10 Oct 2023 Wretched Lost, distant and accused.

The heat burns cold
Chemicals in the lungs,
Nothing to lose.

Confused mind,
Now fused.

Aching bones,
Tools waiting,
carved then used.

Freeze your scrolls,
Ignite the page,
Create the ink to infuse.

Sirens screaming songs,
will become your muse.

Muscles twisted,
skin tattooed.

Beauty passed the beast,
pay your dues.

So line up in your ques,
Time to choose your taboos.

Don't listen to the abused,
They're caressing your nanotubes.

Fuck youself in the late afternoon,
Colours become vibrant,
Teals and maroons.

Drown your woes,
Happiness alludes monsoons,
Sitting in the bottom of lagoons.

Echo Chambers,
Just smoking plumes.

Be yourself,
in or out of the womb.
09 Oct 2023 Wretch As i sit here at 5:38am, with bloody mary jello shots for eyes, Two cigarettes left in the packet, one in my hand. I leave you with my most prized possession, this scarred vascular muscle of mine, left out in the British autumn to rot under amber leaves. It might not work much anymore but it still loves unconditionally and it is yours. The mystic nebula that resides in this brain is intertwined with yours.
24 Sep 2023 No Set fire to your hair
Poke a stick at a grizzly bear
Eat medicine that's out of date
Use your private parts as piranha bait
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Get your toast out with a fork
Do your own electrical work
Teach yourself how to fly
Eat a two-week-old un-refrigerated pie
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Invite a psycho-killer inside
Scratch a drug dealer's brand new ride
Take your helmet off in outer space
Use a clothes dryer as a hiding place
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Keep a rattlesnake as a pet
Sell both your kidneys on the Internet
Eat a tube of superglue
"I wonder, what's this red button do?"
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dumb ways to die
So many dumb ways to die
Dress up like a moose during hunting season
Disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason
Stand on the edge of a train station platform
Drive around the boom gates at a level crossing
Run across the tracks between the platforms
They may not rhyme but they're quite possibly
The dumbest ways to die
The dumbest ways to die
Dumbest ways to die
So many dumb
So many dumb ways to die
06 Aug 2023 Пидор Голод , ты станешь красивой и умрёшь худой
05 Aug 2023 the crotch game. Sue your parents for concieving and having you without your consent.
05 Aug 2023 Zach Jumping off a bridge
02 Aug 2023 Борис В тот момент, когда тебе станет тяжелее всего, настолько тяжело, что ты почти не сможешь дышать от тяжести своих мыслей и переживаний, попробуй подумать о том что когда-нибудь всё изменится и будет совсем по-другому, так, как ты хочешь. Подумай о том, что если сейчас ты совершишь это деяние, то на том свете будешь неоднократно жалеть а содеянном, потому что больше не сможешь ничего вернуть, ты не сможешь вернуть себя и не сможешь вернуть своё прошлое, которое впоследствии может остаться просто страшным кошмаром твоей жизни и ничем более. Вспоминай это, если И когда у тебя случится что-то хорошее, или напротив, что-то плохое. Мы, люди, чем-то похожи на батарейки, но в чём-то мы отличны от них. Наш ресурс, заряд энергии, порой истощается, но при этом мы не в коем случае не должны выкидывать себя на свалку просто потому, что прямо сейчас не способны его восполнить.
29 Jul 2023 Krimzen00 I would suppose, if one, at such a youthful age contemplated such a thing like suicide, the best way is for that person to survive it not doing anything at all, as that would kill the demon speaking in their ear.
14 Jul 2023 post pls H and the need to hurt me and tell me nothing but lies
01 Jul 2023 tuner. trust me please mouchette suicide is not the answer. live is meant to be lived, and death is the reward. taking the reward before completing the task does no good. i am sure you are a wonderful person, and if nobody else does, at least i will miss you.
22 May 2023 ano stop being a kid
19 Apr 2023 you dont want my name it was so tiring to walk like that in the snow. my body was numb - i couldnt feel myself moving - i fell too many times. i could hear the earth desperately begging for me to love her. i wanted to see you one last time before my body gave up, but you were asleep when i found you in our old childhood home. the walls were painted soft forest green and i dirtied them with my blood. i lay beside you in your bed. you didnt wake up. i think i miss you - its hard to tell what i feel anymore. im still numb.
09 Apr 2023 Еблан Ты уже умерла
04 Apr 2023 a gram, buzzing fly i want to kill myself it isnt a matter of if or not or if or not its decided it will come eventually my death with cut my life string directly out of my spine cracking my neck sloshing all of my blood out of my skin court my baggy tent of skin organs intestines slipping through the skin slapping to the paved ground. i want birds and crows and vultures to eat me and shit me out over and over again until i am so mad i bleed into the core of the earth into molten lava fling my body out to space where it will disarm into bits and bits and bits into holocaust corpses. merci
26 Feb 2023 Ollie hit the command key and type /kill
theres something about the way this website is like an unlimited festering anchovy can of content.
There is something so sweet in suffering you think this as well right mouchette? I sometimes pretend that you are in berlin by now or minsk doing things an immortal teenage girl should not be doing. But alas- I love you with all of my heart. Even when there are a lot of thoughts occupying my mind you ground me in a way that feels like I am a servant of sadness to you. But I admit I love it .
18 Sep 2022 atmis when i was under 13 and tried to kill myself, i used the bathtub unsuccessfully as you can see. i would recommend climbing back into the womb as soon as possible. i think that would suffocate you

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