Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
19 Dec 1999 John Watkins I believe (i before e except after c) that it doesn't matter, because you achieve the same outcome.
14 Dec 1999 dank CROSS MY PATH!!
11 Dec 1999 doug Jane wonders "what is the best way to keep living when you're over 87?"
Dick wept as he pondered the question.
Which do you think is more difficult?

Color Jane a bright dread-red.
Color Dick a ravished chalky-blue.
10 Dec 1999 matthew horton swallow a box of upholstery tacks with the cherubic animosity of captain crunch.
03 Dec 1999 Big fly Very gently, with a large pink feather.
(Eventually you do kill yourself around the age of 75 from feather whipping exhaustion.) You get RSI in your wrist, and all your neighbours know you as "that strange old woman who whips herself with that large dirty pink feather."
01 Dec 1999 Gérard grodoigt plusieurs possibilités s'offrent aux p'tits. Un exemple: s'allonger sur le dos sur une plage du nord de la bretagne et attendre la montée des eaux. Nous savons que le sel mélangé au grains de sables provoque une érosion importante et donc à terme une usure mortelle. Il faut les voir tous ces pauvres s'entasser au mois d'août et attendre leur heure. Mais cela est bien plus compliqué. Peut-être aurais-je le temps un jour de tout vous dire.
30 Nov 1999 Darlane Darling child, simply anger your mother!!!
17 Nov 1999 Hanna Perttula It's scientifically proven that a baby can starve itself to death if it loses its mother under the age of 22 months. So I think that if you want to commit suicide the sooner you do it the better. There's no need to hesitate.
Starve yourself to death right after you have born.
03 Nov 1999 Bill Jason the best way to kill yourself? well, that's simple. place 500 US dollars into a white envelope, and send it to Bill Jason, Box 782, Boonsboro MD 21783. Be sure to include your address, and what time you usually go to sleep.
02 Nov 1999 Ben The best suicide kit is a pair of shoes. You can walk into death.
02 Nov 1999 Bine the best way to kill yourself is to start a new life!
01 Nov 1999 Anubis i would read the entire dictionary and not eat untill i can memorize each word
31 Oct 1999 Jeff When I was under 13, actually from the time my mom married my stepfather until I was about 16 I thought about this a lot. I used to dream of throwing myself from the grand canyon or the empire state building and feeling the peace of a certain soon-to-be-realized destiny of WHICH I HAD CONTROL! my best was falling... Maybe a set of miniscule wings would be helpful... but i would have definitely fallen.
30 Oct 1999 Still not ready The best way is to commit suicide is to allow it to happen, naturally !
But be prepared, It can be pleasurable and at times, inflict unbearable pain, It may take a lifetime to achieve the final results.
28 Oct 1999 Robert Cortese I once made my own suicide kit when i was twelve. I was playing pretend to hang myself. I got the idea from the Steven Spielberg movie the Goonies. When my mother walked in on me playing she decided she would have me shipped off to a mental institution for a year. My dad tried to fight it (he knew I was only playing) so instead of releasing me to my parents, the courts kept me in the childrens shelter (orphanage) for another year while they tried to figure out who was right. It wasn't until my rich grandmother opened her pocketbook that the courts decided I too could be another counterproductive member of society.
21 Apr 1998 The Somniloquy Institute Change your identity.
20 Feb 1998 josselyne Transform yourself into an image on your computer and clik it off. It is painless but it will be too sad for your fans. So think about it first. Josselyne, who is one of your fans.

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