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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
10 Nov 2024 Ivory I don't know how I got here. A few rabbit holes I suppose. Years have passed since I tried to kms at 12, 5 exactly. Things haven't gotten completely better, but that's how it goes. Life is tripping over your own two feet until you eventually end up in your grave. If you have nothing left in this world, live to spite it, live off rage and hate, let it fall from you with your tears, fight every step of the way to piss off whoever ruined your life, and if you can't think of someone, blame a malevolent god. Stick it to the pricks in charge, and love yourself to stick them full of burning needles
03 Nov 2024 Null please don’t, you’re most likely the only person that could come to understand my pain, after all, i almost ceased to exist that one fateful day in october… so please, come with me instead, that way we can hide from everyone else.
22 Oct 2024 Jamie Pretending to do it, without actually doing it. But living can be even better, & I hope living ends up being as good for you as it was for me.
13 Aug 2024 R. I. P. (really incredible pie) Dont fucking kill yourself... Get a hobby. Something you like. For instance, create a fake online identity and play the role of a flat earther. Not because you give two shits about if the earth is flat or oval or w/e. But... Because you can gather and regurgitate the most inane flat earth debate points, listen to round earthers but disagree and say words that sounds like they are wrong .... This is just to piss people off. And statistics show 90% of flat earthers dont believe that shit they just do it to troll round earthers.
My point is you find your own happiness. And this is what i do. In person and on the internet. Just interject, "that proves the earth is flat" into a conversation not anything about flat earth and watch... You hijacked the thread. And theres always an argument. You can just sit back and watch. Or interject something dumb... "Thats why some people have flat feet" and just laugh at what they say.
13 Aug 2024 Button I've posted my suggestion here before, but I must say that I didn't really put much thought in it then.
I had some experience with it when I was under 13. I was probably 9 years old when tried to hang myself. I just thought that no one cares about me (that might happen to anyone, even with little kids). Then because of the same thought I tried again at 14.
The feeling of loneliness is familiar to many people. Most of them felt that at least few times, someone feels that very often or most of time, but not everyone notices that more likely someone cares. You're just not always able to see it because of your own feeling. If someone also feels that no one cares about them, just try to think about it. It might be possible that you just don't let others help you, but to them you might be a piece of their own inner world.
24 Jul 2024 cmsm To:
Website creator
Sometimes I sigh that there is no essential difference between humans and apes. We are all slaves of DNA. Birth, aging, illness and death are our personal [wars] from a microscopic perspective. From a macroscopic perspective, it is just DNA trying to ensure more replication. I still remember that when I wanted to commit suicide, although I had made full psychological preparations, I still failed to commit suicide. It was not that I didn't want to die, but that DNA didn't want me to die. From then on, I no longer believed in free will.
Wait, don't we still have memes? You may ask. But are the memes we accept voluntarily accepted? First of all, we cannot decide our native language. And language has a great influence on a person's thinking. For example, people who are native English speakers especially like to explain things because That/Which is very useful as an attributive clause; Japanese people like to say half of the sentence because Japanese is full of hints; and as a Chinese, it is naturally difficult for me to perceive what the unique language logic of the Chinese is. Human potential is very large. If a person starts learning a language from an early age, there will not be too many obstacles, but when the time is relatively late, everything is too late.
Thousands of words can be summed up in one sentence:
The universe is so big, it has nothing to do with you and me, we are just humble slaves. However, I still want to know where the end of the universe is...
from cmsm
Thanks for listening
The following is the original Chinese version. Sorry, my English is not good so I can only use the translator HAHA
13 Jul 2024 Mikey sometimes it feels like things are happening to me in symphony. small occurrences build up over the course of a moment to create a new quality i've never experienced before, even if it's just me standing at work taking a customer's phone number for a rewards account. it's the same thing that happens when all the different tracks of a song come together to form the part that gets stuck in your head. i have OCD and bipolar disorder, and i've thought about killing myself since i was 12 like you, mouchette. in my head i've done it so many times in so many different ways, it's hard to keep track of which one i'm actually gonna use. i'm 20 now, and i'll be 21 on september 3rd. during my last depressive episode, i told myself that on the day i turn 21, i'll make the final decision on if i go on to live or if i'll end it right there on that night. since my meds got adjusted, i've been feeling a lot better and haven't wanted to do it, so i won't have a real answer for you until september 3rd. see you then, mouchette
12 Jun 2024 Daniel Cyanide, collect about 13 ish apple seeds, that's enough to kill a person. If all else fails, just rot away. That's what i did, don't eat, sleep or move. Someone might come get you, maybe.

I wanted to die when i was 13, a boy older than me told me he loved me, he lied. Being 'loved' by him made me want to die. I thought that's just what love felt like. I was wrong. I'm not 13 anymore, and i don't love that boy anymore. I want to die less now, i still do just not as much :)
10 Jun 2024 blair Mouchette, please don't do it. Your parents will miss you, and your fly will be sad that there is no one to feed it. I would feed your fly, but it just wouldn't be the same. I hope you know that I love you, and your fly, and your Internet page. Xoxo, Blair :]
06 Jun 2024 kyo. people are books, puzzles, and pawns. in that order. first they're read, then they're figured out, then they're persuaded. some would call that wrongly manipulative, but what's the alternative? basically any advice my mom's ever given me. "don't be mean, don't judge, be open." and yeah sure but, that only works when men don't want to have sex with you. be tolerant of guys who get off by choking you, no way that goes south. what's wrong with a pizza delivery-boy with no career goals? when's the last time you asked your pizza man if he's a rapist? they're called warning signs, but ignoring them makes you a nice person. and one day if you're a nice enough girl you'll end up just like me!

it was heartbreaking to watch people grieve, i was attending my own funeral. it was for the better though, was it not?
06 Jun 2024 kyo. people are books, puzzles, and pawns. in that order. first they're read, then they're figured out, then they're persuaded. some would call that wrongly manipulative, but what's the alternative? basically any advice my mom's ever given me. "don't be mean, don't judge, be open." and yeah sure but, that only works when men don't want to have sex with you. be tolerant of guys who get off by choking you, no way that goes south. what's wrong with a pizza delivery-boy with no career goals? when's the last time you asked your pizza man if he's a rapist? they're called warning signs, but ignoring them makes you a nice person. and one day if you're a nice enough girl you'll end up just like me!

it was heartbreaking to watch people grieve, i was attending my own funeral. it was for the better though, was it not?
28 May 2024 Artem Lullaby
for a dead fly, or how shall I be reading
this, since I am dead?

by Mouchette
23 May 2024 bambi The cracked voices of blurry faces, only visible now through dust-covered VHS tapes hidden away in white trash gas station bathrooms lull you to sleep. Some people like when their prey is faceless, their beating hearts useless. In this world, we are being put to sleep like lame dogs everyday, our flesh deformed, our voices now as good as reduced to the whisperings of long lost VHS tapes. Let not your heart be troubled, Mouchette. For you are not alone. You are always being watched by it.
08 May 2024 endless fields of writhing maggots. For under 20 dollars a month you can have alien abduction insurance. They will take care of you for the rest of your life. Counseling, therapy, medical, living expenses, pharmaceuticals. Everything paid for. No other type of insurance can offer this much peace of mind. Don't get abducted by aliens and be stuck out!
25 Apr 2024 冷佳俊 我是冷佳俊,很高兴你之前回复了我,我现在看到了这个留言板,我打算用母语回答你这个问题。对于自杀,我觉得无非是因为对生命无所期望,或者痛苦的活着,才会寻求自杀。所以,我觉得结束生命,应该选择一种无痛苦的方式,譬如安乐死。但是,你作为一个艺术家,不但有很多成果与成就,还把这么多的艺术作品展现给我们,我认为,这样的你不应该自杀,所以,我希望能和你交个朋友,对于这些事情我们可以聊一聊。
19 Apr 2024 evy :3 I recently had a very strange dream, I woke up in a completely dark and empty room. when I got out of it and walked further and further, more and more blood began to appear. hands started coming out of the walls. As I walked further and further, I started seeing various monsters. when I walked through the entire corridor and rooms, I saw a door and I thought it led to the garden. then I wasn't wrong. when I opened the door I saw blood on the grass as if someone had just dragged some bodies there. these tracks led to the shed. when I approached it, I saw the bodies of my parents. there was blood and scattered organs everywhere. when I wanted to back out and escape from there, I felt someone breathing on my shoulder, when I looked I saw a monster covered in blood. he whispered something to me but it was in a different language and I didn't understand anything. I suddenly woke up and my mother was standing above me and told me that I was screaming in my sleep. I wish I had the rest of this dream so I could find out what this thing wanted from me.
16 Apr 2024 Aphid Volition is the ultimate suicide. Immortality is what you are experiencing right in this moment; death will only shift your present suffering to another self and you will have to do it all over again.
05 Apr 2024 An Angel Mouchette, you will never die. You are an artist. Your art will make you immortal.
31 Mar 2024 consuffiin kill your identity instead, be reborn and create a new one where you might be happier. You can always redo the process until you reach your desired result. Even then, i feel like being in pain is much better than spending eternity feeling nothing, because then at least your pain makes you human.
24 Mar 2024 леша Touch the page and find them.

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