Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form. |
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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13? Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans? |
19 Sep 2001 | Jamie | I've been thinking about it on & off for about 6 yrs now and have decided to go ahead with it. If anybody out there wants a suicide companion then please give me an E-mail and we can go ahead with it together. |
18 Sep 2001 | Cez | I have tried suicide 2wce in the last week. The 1st time i tried 2 slash my wrists but i lost my decent blade a long time ago so i used my bluntish 1 which i draggd down a wall when i was angry. The 2nd time was a few days l8r i took 10 paracetamol cos sum1 told me that's all it took but nothing happened. i got drowsy felt sik and had stomach pains. it nearly worked i guess. i recommend taking 15. if any1 wants 2 reply 2 me which i doubt, put an entry on this site cos my email account is bust xxxxxxx ;-) |
09 Sep 2001 | Josh | I am thinkiing about killing my self, this past month my gf has left me, my friends have left me, and i can't talk to my family about it. please email me with any suggestions or ideas to help me through my situation. i don't wanna do it, but i feel it's the only way out. i hope to hear from sombody soon before it's too late. thanks for your time. |
07 Sep 2001 | Josh | I am 18, i never really had a proper girlfriend till now, well she just dumped me because i lost her trust because she would see me so i asked her brother to try and get her to see me, we were good together and lasted nearly 2 months. i am thinking about connecting a hose to my exhaust and running it into the car, i heard it was quick and painless, is that true and does anybody have any other sugestions? |
04 Sep 2001 | Heidi aka Spike | you should o.d. on any kind of drug. i would be dead but i'm trying to figure out if i want to or not. anyone wants to help me e-mail me. but anyone who wants to die should if they feel like no one wants them around like me. |
29 Aug 2001 | dvve | help me |
12 Aug 2001 | 12yr old english whore | I am depressed and have been 4 the last year. I'm a prostitute. i hate my self i am anorexic but i cant stop. I have had 1 pregnancy scare already. My x boyfriend is threatening me he says he will hurt people soon and i might b 1 of them. He is on pills. I am so scared of wat he might do. My mom is out 2nite at a gig with her band and i have 2 look after my sister, i cannot cope mom is never in. 4 yrs ago my dad ran off with mom's drummer's wife. i miss him which is stupid cos he is a wanker. he doesn't want me, we haven't spoken since october. My mom suffered from depression 4 a while and i had 2 look after her. i was so scared i was only 8, it's so unfair. I have a good singing voice which people like, so they dont think i could be depressed. No1 understands. I smoke a lot, drink a lot, and i am addicted 2 paracetamol and solvents. I don't think i'm worth a lot 2 boys cos something happened 2yrs ago over a period of about a year i think it was sexual abuse with my music teacher. I feel damaged and used. I get so tired of living. I can never let emotion out like by crying cos my face just goes blank and everything stays squashed up inside so i cut my arms partly just because i deserve it. Some people say i need help but i tell them 2 fuck off so should u if they tell u that. A while ago i started trying 2 find ways 2 kill myself on the Web. The best 1 so far is 2 write a huge suicide note 2 all the mother fuckerz who have pushed u over the edge (parents, teachers, other scumbags) and then get pissed off ure face and swallow as many pills as possible. Just make sure no1 finds u b4 u hav died. xxx |
11 Aug 2001 | The name's help2000ag | This site is not helping. My whole life I had maximum of 1, 2, 3 friends and every year I lost them all but this year is the worst one of all and If I kill myself I will be happy to go to hell because in hell I don't have to worry about anyone being hurt by my actions and besides by the way people are describing hell I would say I am in a fucking hell already. But if I don't kill myself and It doesn't get better remember the 1st chance I get to hijack, build or buy a nuclear weapon then I will blow this planet out of orbit. Anyone who wishes to help in hijacking or building a nuclear weapon when I or anyone else has a chance to then e-mail me at soon I'll be making a website and a club and believe me I will bring this world to an end if I don't kill myself first. |
11 Aug 2001 | sean | I would like to know a way to end my life, without pain. I'm a male of 31, and tired of my life. I'm going through to much shit and I would like it to end |
25 Jul 2001 | CHRISTINA BRIONES | hi my names christina and i don't really have a purpose in life. my family says ill who is that stupid b**** so if i die now i won't have to deal with them.... thank u |
23 Jul 2001 | extremely depressed girl | i am thinking of killing myself, and seriously every time i think of it i cry and cry until the tears just don't flow anymore. i am so depressed! i have lots of friends and people who care about me, people who think i should be a model/singer/artist. i feel fake, i feel like i'm not showing my true side to people. but then there's the people who know me well, like one of my supposedly good friends, that treats me like shit. i feel like a total dumbass all the time, like ALL the time i can't concentrate on anything properly because i feel like so dumb, i mean even just walking to the bus stop with some friends makes me nervous that i'm goin to screw up! i have a problem: i have a very bad memory, not just bad, but the serious kind of bad; i'll be walking somewhere and totally forget how to get there! there is something wrong with me! people just don't see it, they just think i'm dumb, or maybe i am, i don't know, but i feel like the most miserable person in the world right now, i go out with my friends in the day time, and come home and cry myself to sleep because of something sooo stupid that i did! i don't know what to do! i can't stand trying to act smart in front of my family and friends, because i'm not, and i won't change, and i know if i don't die now i will go through life getting critizised for every thing i do, or be nervous about being critizised, or be nervous about doing something dumb, and i do dumb things cause i'm nervous! it all goes in a huge circle and i don't want this life, i don't, I DON'T! |
15 Jul 2001 | sujit shrikant niphadkar | I am 23 years old young man. i desparately want to die. Please help me. |
15 Jul 2001 | Ryan Mottet | i wanna DIE!!! |
25 Jun 2001 | Nate | to everyone that says suicide is not the right answer, how would you know? Obviously you have never even been in a place where all you can think about is how worthless you are and all you want to be is numb. In the past year every girl i have ever loved has rejected me, even the ones that were my friends stopped all contact with me. My "friends" all ditched me for some reason and my parents are constantly telling me that i am a fuck up. So tell me, where is the bright side of living in this situation? If the people that are supposed to care about you all of a sudden stop, what is the point of continuing on in life with no one to love or to love you back? |
06 Jun 2001 | chris | I am almost 17 years old. I appear to have a perfect life. I excel at baseball and football. Everyone thinks I am great at those sports. The truth is I hate football and my baseball seems to be slipping. My whole life is baseball. Without baseball I am nothing. With my game slipping I don't know that my life can go on. I have been very depressed for about six months now. One of my brothers is in federal court and my other brother is just kind of crazy. I do not think I can talk to them for help. I am too shy to get help from people. I am so shy that I can hardly talk to people. I just cannot bring words out of my mouth. I need something to get better or I need my life to be ended. Many many times I have wished that I could die. |
05 Jun 2001 | AIM screen name: justaratnacage | when you're ready to die... you are ready to die. there is nothing else to it. when it's your time you will know it. i feel like my time is soon... and i would like to let it come sooner. but i also want to live out life at the same time... i wish there was some way... help me |
31 May 2001 | Nick | well i have been thinkin about this for a while now. and i'm not obese but i'm not skinny. all my friends make fun of me and my parents live in Alaska while i live in New Jersey. I haven't seen my parents since i was 6 and now im 12. and to top it off i live with my bitchy grandmom that beats me with a bat. she is 63 and she is fast. Somebody, Please help me! |
18 Apr 2001 | Brownbarbie16 | Well I am depressed and suicidal right now, it's obvious, why would I visit this stupid site... anyways. I was just looking for effective yet painless plans... I was thinking, gasing myself, I have that plan worked out, I'm really sad, and mad... I don't even see myself in the future, that was the final choice that lead me to the conclusion that this is the way for me... no one cares... if they do, it's more of a pity... MY LIFE SUCKS!!! I am 16, I turn 17 on sunday, April 22, 2001 ...Will I live that long, only God knows MAY GOD HAVE PITY ON MY SOUL |
02 Apr 2001 | Kill_Me | The best way to kill yourself when you are about 13 is just to get yourself in so much shit at home and school. Take your parents alcohol and drink it all at school. In your maths lesson maybe with the dumb teacher... Then when you are pissed tell the police at arrive that life is shit. Get yourself in so much trouble etc. At home and at school. By the time your parents say to you "I don't want you to live with us anymore" then it hits you, then you have to die. Just make sure you keep getting in trouble and then you will do it. You will think that there is no point which there is not. You have to kill yourself. It's up to you though but if you do I look up to you having the guts to do it. The closest I have got was jumping off my house. Good Luck everyone... |
24 Mar 2001 | Julien | Hey, Im 14! People always tell me I am too young too die, Well like I think they are wrong! Cuz people who are depressed should not continue being depressed, it hurts too much!!! Ok, I'm not telling anyone to kill 'emselves, far from that, I just wish there were a way out....... |
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