Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
06 Sep 2016 Kill Your Self Simulator watch Cringe-worthy Musica.lys by Jacob Sartourius and Mark Thomas.
02 Sep 2016 Common User keep reading suggestions on this website
02 Aug 2016 Kevin rossberg Taking pills. Shooting yourself. Hanging yourself. Wrist slashing. Too much carbon in your lungs. Drowning. Best is the shoot yourself thing
01 Aug 2016 asquare knife
01 Jul 2016 charlie run in front of a car on your way to soccer practice
23 Jun 2016 Hed Resiver You need to have some special kind powers
26 May 2016 Brittany Odle Dont kill yourself Jesus the creator God almighty (John 1) came and died for our sins so you wouldnt kill yourself, be in pain, feel like giving up etc. I felt like killing myself but God told me no. Please dont you will not like where your going hells ( unquenchable fire wont stop) a real place please believe me on it. God has a purpose for us all. Heres some verses that helped me. Read the Holy Bible it will bring comfort and its true.
� Matthew 11:28 ►
Parallel Verses
New International Version
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
God the creator said that, HE cares for you.
�Isiah 41:10
�10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
25 May 2016 Brittany Odle Dont kill yourself Jesus the creator God almighty came and died for our sins so you wouldnt kill yourself, be in pain, feel like giving up etc. I felt like killing myself but God told me no. Please dont you will not like where your going hells a real place please believe me on it. God has a purpose for us all.
30 Apr 2016 Luke run a warm bath
23 Apr 2016 ratboy Hack NASA and give them your IP.
22 Apr 2016 zoe talk to your parents....
19 Apr 2016 Piso Jump off a car
19 Apr 2016 Sammy driking water till you drop
20 Mar 2016 Here to listen Anyone wants to talk or need someone to listen u can email me at
15 Jan 2016 Lanabear the only reason people would want to kill themselves is if they havent found God yet. dont kill yourself. Please. god is not finished with you he loves you. i dont know who you are but i can assure you that its not smart to do this. trust me ive been down this path its not fun and it only makes things worse. if you need help email me @ its not over yet people still love you you just have to love yourself.
26 Dec 2015 Miles Came across this page by chance and would like to say the best way it to wait it out. People think suicide is an escape to a new life of their ideal choice. No. Suicide is a permanate solution to a temporary problem. For more: 1 800 273-8255. New skin cells push out the old dead cells. Life is the same if you just stop, those dead cells and memories will still be there. By living the old/dead cells get removed.
18 May 2015 THE PERSON WHO WANTS TO HELP YOU... Message me Be strong You got a friend,I know you can fight it! LISTEN TO: SMILE CHARLIE CHAPLIN may not be the most up beat song but it has Meaning
18 May 2015 Jacquie DONT LET SUICIDE BE THE ANSWER BE STRONG MESSAGE ME! Reading the thought of suicide, depression and the lifestyle you guys are in whether it is depression or just plain FOLLY just remember there are others who want to help you
KIDS HELPLINE:1800 55 1800
06 Feb 2015 non-eye brow plucker. aka uni. A good many are depressed and or suicidal due to the interactions they have with others. I find when i get involved with other people bullshit drama is soon to follow. The only true solution is to go where very few people are located. For instance, just a little south of the artic circle. Yes, thats the solution. Run away to a little cabin in the woods and hide like a snake in the grass.
15 Nov 2011 Ae Jae im 17 years old. Male. ive tried killing myself many times. and ive realized, life gets better. its not always roses, but hey, whose life is? 715 404 6746 text me if you would like to talk about it. im open to any age and ill listen to any issues you may have.

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