Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form. |
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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13? Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans? |
15 Aug 2001 | Mr.X | I'm not saying it's ok to kill yourself, in fact I escaped death many times, only to find out that my life is starting to fall into place, although I haven't completely found the answer to why I'm here, it's starting to come to me, I just want certain people to understand that these people who want to kill themselves need to hear down to earth answers, not this petty " you're stupid for trying to kill yourself, or God said not to commit suicide........ These people need to be comforted by others helping them find away out of their deep depressions, like I have, only I had to do it on my own...... IF ANYONE IS THINKING ABOUT COMMITING SUICIDE FOR WHATEVER REASON AT LEAST GIVE ME AN E-MAIL, I'M NOT HERE TO PRESSURE ANYONE, I'M NOT HERE TO CONVINCE YOU NOT TO, BUT I MIGHT BE ABLE TO REALLY GET YOU TO THINK ABOUT YOUR SITUATION, AND I'M EXPERIENCED IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW, BUT MY LAST MESSAGE THAT I POSTED, HOPEFULLY I CAN HELP YOU TRY AND FIND SOME ANSWERS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!! MY ADDRESS IS |
13 Aug 2001 | email me | death is no joke. i don't think that you people are sick. i think that you just have very serious problems, i mean i have a suicidal mother and i know what it's like but there are other answers. and to all you people that say they are crazy, they are not crazy, they are just people who really have no one to talk to and need someone there. so if any of you ever need someone to talk to email me. my email is |
20 Jul 2001 | Simon | You shouldn't. go down mac donalds and get yourself a milk shake, then go to the ice rink and skate, even if you never done it before, you'll feel better. |
22 Jun 2001 | Danubis | mmmmm.... well, i guess i have just one thing to say. I have been in the suicide situation and have nearly gone the long walk. The only way to kill yourself when you're thirteen is wait till your fourteenth birthday. Then killing yourself won't be an issue because hopefully by that time you will have woken up and realised that suicide is really the chickens way out. My advice and i plead you to take it, is to, stick to all those you think are against you by becoming the best person you can be. For example, if guys at school beat you up every lunch for your money. Do this, offer to buy them lunch, it may sound silly but soon they will realise that you do not care for the money. You just hate being picked on (but feed yourself as well). Soon they will forget the game because you no longer present a challenge. They will instead move on to someone else. And if you think your parents are ragging (getting up you) to much or perhaps you are unfortunate enough to be in an abusive family. Tell them you love them and you hope that one day you can love your children as much as they love you. Because really when you turn my age, you realise that all those people who crapped on you when you're young eventually disappear from your surroundings, unless you punish yourself by staying near them. There is one rule i live by and i ask you to live by the same. Death comes to us all, why rush it........ |
18 Jun 2001 | Erica | DONT KILL YOURSELF! YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AGE! Talk to someone if you are thinking about doing it. if you ever need someone to talk to email me at |
20 May 2001 | B | don't do it at all, so many people would be crushed. Doesn't matter how bad you think things are, they WILL get better, guarenteed, killing yourself should never be an option, i'm serious. Talk to someone, here are the facts of life, they are true, they are true. 1. At least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you. 2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way. 3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you. 4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you. 5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep. 6. You mean the world to someone. 7. If not for you, someone may not be living. 9. You are special and unique. 10.Someone that you don't know even exists loves you. 12. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world. 13. When you think you have no chance at getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, you probably sooner or later will get it. 14. Always remember compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks. |
10 Apr 2001 | Amy D. | Think about what you are doing to yourself first, before trying to kill yourself. You probably won't believe me anymore than I believed this when I was suicidal, but things will get better. I hated my life for so long, but now I just turned 18, I am training to be a medic, and I will start Nursing school in the fall. I love and enjoy life more than I ever thought was possible. Try to find something you really enjoy and do it. Talk to an adult you trust and if you are ready and feel comfortable, try to talk to a therapist or a councelor. Don't give up on life yet. If you can't do it for yourself anymore, live for your family and friends. Even if you think now that no one cares, I can promise you that you are wrong. When my uncle killed himself, it was the harder for my aunt than anyone else, but we all miss him so much. He thought no one cared, but it hurts so much that he is gone. Realize that what your life is like now is nothing like it will be when you grow up. You can have a career/job that you love, and a family or whatever you want. If your parents are making things harder (like mine tend to do), just remember that you won't have to live with them forever. Always take care of yourself and if you don't let other people hurt you, they can't. Be true to yourself. The only person you really have to please is yourself, because the only person you will always have to live with is yourself. Take care. |
09 Apr 2001 | renee_17 | I honestly cannot believe that this is an actually website, i've never been more horrified in my life! I think it's really crazy that you people don't have anyone to talk to or anyone just to be there for you. I have found that suicide is not the way, but justice is...... Please i know this might sound corny, but if anyone needs someone to talk to please e-mail me, i promise i reply. Take care |
07 Mar 2001 | JESSICA | HEY! I'm trying to help you people with this. this is a major problem. why can't you see it? don't try to commit suicide, it is wrong. it's not your time to die. live your life to the fullest, don't commit suicide! EMAIL ME AT JESSICA__2002@WEBTV.NET |
10 Feb 2001 | Angel | The best way to kill yourself when you're under 13 is making the choice not to. Almost 3000 people each day die from suicide and suicidal attempts combined. This website is terrible, I know 2 people who commited suicide and 1 person who was suicidal. Reach out for help because there are people who can help you, no matter how terrible your life may be at the moment, is only a wall in life, you can climb over it, with or without help. Why throw away life? Life is precious, why would you waste it? What about your dreams? Your friends? Your family? Your dreams of being able to have a job when you were little? Dreams of being able to stay up past curfew when you're adult? Being able to drive? College? What about your life? It's the wrong choice, and life is just blooming, being a teen is hard with everything around you media, school, drugs, sex, friends and a lot more. But climb past the wall of it and be heard, because commiting suicide is a dumb choice. Make the right one, don't commit suicide. |
11 Aug 2000 | Jacqueline Walton | If any of you are interested and are here because you really need someone to care about you email me. I felt just like you when i was your age... I CAN help... |
31 Oct 1999 | notanybody | There are a great many other women named Mouchette I am sure of that. You can look in the history books to find if any did anything great and if not maybe you can do something great to change the fate of all Mouchette or even discuss better ways in your art of how to survive such terror and suffering. Mouchette saw no hope in her life for she had never seen anything pleasant. It is the nature of unpleasantness to overcome us at times... but look at Anne Frank she made sure she was happy in all adversity and she was surrounded by much greater misery and suffering than Mouchette did... and she tried to survive to the end... eventually she was killed too but she wrote a book that made her a legend. Movies are done to make money, to make comments, to pay bills for adults... to make a name and increase economic reward. I see very little hope in what transpired with Mouchette and wonder if indeed she committed suicide or if that was just assumed... In such a horrid environment is it not possible she was murdered?... You have the ability to change what her story wa,s interpreted to be, if indeed it has any truth to it... Whomever wrote it, if it be fiction, suffers from a lack of a feeling of control in their lives... There is a degree to which we cannot control what happens to us such as raining upon us... But I prefer to say to myself if I had not decided to walk outside without an umbrella then I would not have gotten rained on. What I like to do is to learn from my mistakes and suffering such that I do not repeat the same. A great many females have suffered such fates as Mouchette but have gone on to be better parents and to never allow themselves to fall prey to such sick and weak persons as those who hurt Mouchette. I myself have experienced similar stuff and have helped a child who suffered the same so greatly she was unable to learn in school... After I worked with her she learned how to read and write from her own desire to better herself such that her children when she had them would not suffer in the poverty that she had. She has received an Ebony award, has done antidrug talks, performed in public, danced in public and when I began working with her she could barely talk she was so afraid ....she is a snotty teenager now but she talks back and stands up for herself and no one will ever hurt her the way they did when she was a helpless child with a crack addict mother who was so out of it she had no idea what her boyfriend was doing to her child. She is a very very beautiful young lady now and hopes to go to college to be a lawyer...helping her helped me overcome what I went through alone. At least you have stood up and exposed what has happened to Mouchette ...Why not have people discuss what they feel about the movie and what she could have done to escape or that we should have more protection and help for abused children like Mouchette ...Those type of people hide in cracks and crannies and look for those they can victimize so don't go in such places and make children aware of such with the power of your art. |
31 Oct 1999 | notanybody | The best way to kill yourself is to stand up for other peoples rights such that those who wish to oppress them kill you. That way you have died a correct and proper way. Personally I prefer to stand up safely then run away such that I can stand up again another day... Do you not worry about those who are not wise enough to care about you giving you sad bad advice because they are just as sick as those who would hurt Mouchette? Anyone can make ugly disgusting repulsive art and words but very few can give hope and help others overcome especially those who have quit or been allowed to quit... It is much more difficult to build than to destroy ruin or impoverish others and the world... I know because I have experienced both sides in my life and regret if I ever did any harm as little as it may have been or as great. It seems that no matter how I try I cannot quit thinking about how I may have ignorantly caused anyone suffering. I know of a man who lost hope... a very beautiful man everyone loved... he had a child too... he took a hose and put it in his car from the exhaust... and left this world to miss him and a daughter who will never know how wonderful a person he was. I just wonder if he ever knew how much he was loved by the mother of his child and all his friends... I guess we all forgot to tell him or were not there on that day. All it did was leave grief and unhappiness behind because he made so many of us feel good around him because over all he was a good man. And we will always wonder what sent Kenny to the point and brink of such despair... I should only hope that others realize it is not so bad and it will pass and some day you can over come it if you continue trying... I have my days... but suicide is very dangerous... I know of a woman who survived shooting herself in the head she is now disabled... Such a shame for such a beautiful young woman. Think of what it is like for those of us who are left behind who have to clean up the mess of such selfish people ...If you decide to leave at least do not leave us a bloody mess to make the grief and misery and guilt any worse because we had to do something like work that day to pay for food for our children on the day you decided you could not cope and did not have the wisdom to seek out someone to help who cared. |
31 Oct 1999 | notanybody | If you want to die then you reject the awful things that have happened to you around you which would desire to consume you just as those who did awful things to you were consumed by. It is not easy to stay alive and survive and many who are here are the walking dead in spirit and body. Such a beautiful person who has now become what consumed her soul as I see it... Shame that such a person could not learn from experience and teach us how to overcome and cope against all odds and survive to not become the victimizer after being the victim of such victimizers. Many of us have suffered such tragedies in our lives and still have not allowed ourselves to accept such treatment and abuses or to become consumed by such awful things. Escape it not possible for in death the torture can continue. Shame that it be. Suicide only allows those who choose to destroy you to suceed... I myself never regretted in the future after the abuses and beatings and molestations and rapes as a child to stand up for children who suffered so much worse or similar in thier lives. I suppose I am fortunate that God helped me survive and kept me alive...It is a shame that Mouchette was not rescued by God to become a savor to those others like her who suffer silently and unheard as children. I myself understand Mouchette's feelings of a loss of hope. But in all to persevere such that those of us who reject such and do not become consumed by such terrible deceptions and adversity we still stand the ground between the lost and dead souls who still walk the earth and those who still have life inside. |
31 Oct 1999 | notanybody | Anybody can teach you how to quit or be as bad as those who abuse you...but notanybody can give you a survival kit. Have faith and believe for there are many who were before you and after who have suffered and stood up against serious inhumanities such as Ghandi and Martin Luther King. Live to be such a leader and believe in what you stand up against and be willing to die for the truth and what you believe in and your soul shall know immortality if that is what it desires... Personally I would like a vacation... I am feeling a bit down myself.. Hope you feel better soon... |
31 Oct 1999 | notanybody | If you feel suicidal then it is as if a part of you is already dead. The objective is to bring back the parts of you that make living worthwhile. Go outside and breath what is left of fresh air or go find fresh air. Drink good clean water... Eat healthy foods and stay away from empty things like alcohol, candy, tobacco and drugs which promise you everything and give nothing and only take from the body and soul in the process... Avoid those who suck off your sould until there is nothing left to live for and remember evil always desires to destroy good spiritually or physically even if it be by mental manipulation..Is it possibly possible that evil would prefer to remove you if you be good? Go exercise healthy ways. |
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