Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
14 May 1998 Isaak Cazemier Ever seen the 'space bag' commercials? It's a very handy way to preserve your clothes requiering a minimum of space. Just put in your clothes, and remove all the air with a vacuum cleaner.
These bags are big enough for you to get into, and your body will be perfectly preserved, just like a mummy.
12 May 1998 Micha Albertini Te couper le Net pendant 3 jours ! C'est du suicide non? Sinon, concasser une trentaine de comprimes genre anxiolitiques ou calments, et avaler cul sec ! Le suicide mene a la mort ! :)
26 Mar 1998 magali and john Accepter les bonbons de l'etranger de la rue.
This could be a frightening way to die, but once you accept, you are relieved of the responsibility, and anyway, most other forms of suicide are pretty boring in comparison...
25 Mar 1998 el tommo if you're a little girl go swimming and tie your hair to the drainage grill under the water
20 Mar 1998 pierre faire fondre des lego dans ton jus d'orange et consommer en grande quantité
03 Mar 1998 tobefrite rail de coke
08 Feb 1998 lyne landry J'espere que tu n'est pas serieuse! Essaie de ne plus respirer jusqu'a ce que mort s'ensuive. c idiot ce que je te dis? c idiot ta question aussi. Essaie-donc de trouver des truck pour grandir et t'épanouir a la place.
03 Feb 1998 jeroen euh.. read a book before sleeping and suffocate in letters?
13 Jan 1998 glenn How about being tickled to death
09 Jan 1998 Ton search how to kill yourself on the internet
07 Jan 1998 Wim Word lid van Vindicat.
Ga in een Vindicat huis wonen en drink een liter Hooghoudt Jonge graanjenever.
Succes verzekerd.
07 Jan 1998 Mirjam throw yourself from your Barbiehouse (for girls) or play real life wargames with your friends (for boys)
05 Jan 1998 Sphie Samama Un adulte est très certainement un enfant suicidé, à moins quíl ne soit un enfant assassiné. Un seul suicide possible ma chère Mouchette: VIVRE !
05 Jan 1998 Isaak Cazemier Jump in front of the TGV.
04 Jan 1998 Michael Gibbs Stuff yourself with sweets (preferably Belgian pralines. If that doesn't work, you could always try choking to death on a gobstopper.
Sweet dreams!
03 Jan 1998 Henk Fakkeldij 1) Other kids love to do it for you at that age, so don't worry.
2) Try regression therapie, go back at that age.
3) Strangle sex
26 Dec 1997 Toine Je ne pense pas qu'il est bien de vouloir se suicider avant 13ans !
Qu'est-ce le suicide ?
C'est une forme d'hypocrisie qui dit que la personne qui veut se suicider renonce et n'a pas le courage d'affronter la vie reelle !
Est-ce bien utile ? C'est la reponse que je voudrais connaitre...
26 Dec 1997 Gry You must create such a stupid Web site - somebody comes
and kills you at least
20 Dec 1997 Pierre Rezus (17) Not killing yourself.
It's worse to live than to commit suicide. Therefore the best way to kill yourself is ruining your life, by living on.
(stupid question, stupid answer)
20 Dec 1997 marco eat yourself to death, the food is there anyway

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