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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
13 Apr 1999 MM The essential difficulty in killing yourself when you are so young, is that there are very few pre-teen death role models to follow in the footsteps of. Nobody is interested in romanticising childhood suicide in litterature. This is probably because childhood is so often a time that people look back to romantically.
At the age of about 25-26 they die, in that they stop living. Their lives instead are spent reminiscing about the past. Eventually they stop living in that their hearts stop beating and their bodies begin to de-compose. I therefore suggest that the most surefire way of committing suicide when you are young is to allow yourself to grow old very quickly indeed, to start reminiscing about the past and then to allow failing
bodily functions to push you over the edge of physical decreptitude until you rot and your brain dribbles out of your nose.
My kit to enable a pre-teen to complete this aging process without noticing any discomfort, or having to endure long years of struggle and the hardship envolved in living to adulthood consists of the following:
1). A Panasonic "Citizen" personal hand held television, with four AA batteries.
2). Dietary supplements and an intravienous drip supplying bodily fluids.
3). A home catheterization kit and enema (to prevent the necessity of hospitalisation when the muscles become too weak to void waste.)
Using this kit, the pre-teen can live out their life in total isolation, with all their bodily and intellectual needs on drip-feed.
In a short period of time (70-80 year maximum) this method will succeed. It has never been known to fail.
16 Mar 1999 LOLO Drole d'idee !
As-tu entendu parle du nombre de suicides chez les jeunes des 9 ans au Japon ? Leur societé leur demande un tel rendement scolaire (à la maternelle, math et science !), leur laisse si peu de place pour s'épanouir personnellement et être créatif que si jeunes, ils ont déjà envie de changer de dimension...
Je trouve cela bien triste : être enfant et penser no future !!!
Mais en Europe, quelle peuvent etre les raisons qui te mènent sur un tel chemin ? Est-ce seulement un jeu ?
Désolée de ne t'apporter que si peu d'nfo...
Amicalement, LOLO
15 Mar 1999 Marcus Manger des saucisses FEBO jusqu'à ce faire éclater les intestins, ou essayer de les vendre le Jour de la Reine...
04 Mar 1999 Brian wait till a truck is about to go under a nearby overpass then jump from the overpass on to the hood of the truck
25 Feb 1999 arno schipper bite mike tysons ear off
probably he kick tha livin shit outta ya.
check if ya can outsmart a bullit while pumpin tha lead in to ya head
25 Feb 1999 Hadrien rester en vie, ou rester enfant
stand still alive or be a simply kid.
18 Feb 1999 Wallace le salace Vas jouer aux billes sur l'autoroute Mouchette, tu verras c'est infaillible! Mais vas-y aux heures de pointe parce que sinon ça peut être long...
03 Feb 1999 David cascaro Se pendre avec la corde à sauter d'Alice au pays des merveilles
01 Feb 1999 danielle why don't you ask a dead 12 year old?
29 Jan 1999 paulo b Experimentar tudo até ao limite.
28 Jan 1999 ......... votre site est scandaleux
28 Jan 1999 Alix Y'a pas de meilleure forme de suicide en fonction de l'age. Si t'as vraiment envie de mourir, te pose pas de questions, fais pas chier ton monde, tais-toi et tues-toi.
19 Jan 1999 dominique l'auto-crucifiction
11 Dec 1998 Amorales Eat five kilos of peanuts before getting in a sleeping bag.
04 Dec 1998 carles I don´t want any children under 13 kill himself. If you are in this situation, don't worry. Type your preoccupations in your computer, send me all of it and I'll destroy it with my electronic bin.
01 Dec 1998 MMSK The best way to kill yourself when you're under 13 is to become an adult and bore yourself to dead!
26 Nov 1998 Robert Go and jump off a high building. If you live in the country side and there aren't any buildings, than I would propose drowning and if there isn't any water nearby, than perhaps feazing to death or alternitively dying of thurst could be a possibility. If there is none of all this, perhaps the best would be to talk to some adult you feel close to and whom you can trust.
16 Nov 1998 Alex Mouche?
Je suis comme toi. Un peu paumé, un peu triste...
Encore ici mais déjà parti. Et pourtant... Je crois que le suicide est une erreur. Surtout à 13 ans... Donne-toi encore des alternatives, please! Je peux t'aider.
28 Oct 1998   try to suck your own genitals and snap your neck in the process
give your anal virginity to a 500kg bear with a 23-inch penis
try sucking the same penis and drown when he nuts
listen to my music 24 hours a day while developing a strong crack-cocaine habit
...while giving your anus to your dealer for one rock
it's all possible, it's probably happened before, and will happen again
26 Oct 1998 pas important... la meilleur façon de ce suicider, c'est de vivre... y'a tellement de choses injustes qui arrivent , vivre c'est se tuer petit peu par petit peu. Y'a toujours de quoi pour de rabaisser même quand tu es étendu par terre. Mais la meilleur façon de te suicider (si c'est ça que tu veux vraiment) c'est toi seule qui va la trouver! Bonne chance dans tout ce qui te reste à entreprendre et bonne mort qu'elle soit proche ou dans un avenir lointain.

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