Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form. |
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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13? Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans? |
21 Oct 2006 | one two mic checka | the age old question: what is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13? well probably the best way to kill yourself when under 13 is the same best way to kill yourself when over 13. now this is where we get down to brass tacks. when you are 13 years and one day old are you over 13 or just plain old 13. having established that, we have a third category. plain old 13 year olds. is it for just one day or a whole year? and what is the best way to kill yourself when you are just plain old 13 years old? because the number 13 has significance. it signifies several things. mattias, the 13th disciple of Jesus Christ. it signifies a day known as friday the 13th which is where people who were accused of witchcraft where burned at the stake and some might have been witches but some where not and so until now 13 has been considered unlucky. which brings me to another point. you either believe in luck or fate. now if you believe in luck many people have tured 13 and not killed themselves. however many people have killed themselves and been 13 so i am not sure that has any relevance except to obviously point to the fact i do not believe in luck. luck is a word that comes from another language that means lucifer. now i do believe he exists but i also believe he is a liar and wants to see you kill yourself. which brings me to fate. and you are either going to kill yourself or you arent. and if someone who cannot tell the truth wants you to kill yourself then he is lying which means that even the most evil being dosent want you to kill yourself. 13 is also a number used by some mexican gangs. they usually have 13 rules they go by. |
16 Oct 2006 | Chris | Im feeling the same, if anyone wants to talk then my email is please add me Thanks |
14 Oct 2006 | Kristen | Well, since I'm a Christian I have to live through the pain. If you're a Christian and you kill yourself you will go to hell. If you are feeling really bad, masterbate. I think if I were to kill myself I take an overdose of coeide or something simple like a poison. |
23 Jul 2006 | HATER FOREVER | what i wrote before! I will tell you my story! people have screwed my life up! To a point where I wont get better ever again! I have spent my whole life being scared of people and know i am scared shitless of the out side world! I wish my family would move us to a different area! I will tell you the way people have treated me! WHERE i live i have no friends no realtionships there s nothing here for me! I have gone completely mad because people wont leave me alone! And keep bullying me because i am not very good looking to a lot of people D: I have done some things that would make your stomach crawl! well self harmed thats it! I have been bullied here since i was 3 years old and other places not just where i live all because i am not vey good looking right! Theres more to come! Right now i have no one! I have nothing to do here! People dont understand me. My family dont understand me, I have a repuation for being someone i am not! things have happened in my life that as made me angry! Life is crap for somepeople and not crap for others! Alll i would like to do is move away but that will never happen! OH GOD WHAT CAN I DO! all i get is " your an ugly freak and your ugly etc " My family dont understand me! I hope i find a job on line to do and keep it if not its the streets for me! I am 25 years old and my family keep telling me to get lost but i can't i am too scared to be out there in the out side world! I have spent most of my time doing things alone and housebound to! My whole family have never got it easy and neither we wont and we are not close and i feel like i was never ment to be! Oh christ what a sick uncaring world we all live in! There are people who are ouitcasts you know the ones who don’t fit anywhere The rejects the losers the outcasts etc! Well I am one of them outcasts! I have been called all sorts of things in my time, UGLY,FAT, FREAKY,WEIRDO, SMELLY, GREASY, STUPID and loads more! I have had bullying which has scared the crap out of me! I am no longer apart of people around where I live I am a outcast from them! I have always believed I am the only ugliest person about but I guess I am not really: I am so starnge you know what I wish I could just get out of here but I am too scared to, plus people where I live are still noseing in my life! They don’t care about me.. Just talking about me and I tried to do my self once because of people hateing me for being ugly and they don’t care! I HATE THOSE PEOPLE NOW I HATE THEM! Plus this! Why Are The Ugly People Rejects! Why Is It that no one cares about ugly people!! When A black person gets Discriminated Against there is a Law for something to be done about it.. But when it is a ugly person being Discriminated against no one cares! I guess that’s what happens when you don’t have proper laws in a country to stop things from happening. You never see an ugly woman with a boyfriend or husband at that. But the woman do tend to go for the ugly men? Why is that ? Also its so unfair that people have to end up in a shit life because there not very good looking! Why are people strange with someone who is different?! I want to get to the bottom of all this, I think its about time this stupid behaviour stopped.! Why is it that ugly people have hardly any life? If you are ugly and you are a reject it lowers your IQ, Yes Rejection Lowers IQ and makes people aggressive and that can’t be good! Back to my topic also, I want to know is why people went out to hurt me for real that my life got screwed up over! People have tried to screw with my head growing up! JEZ Well also I am so well I dunno really because I am just strange to a lot of people where I live. No one here likes me and someone thinks I have boyfriends WELL A NEWS FLASH FOR THAT PERSON I DON’T HAVE A BOYFRIEND DUH! Anyway back to my topic¬ That’s all for now! I am stuck at home where everything is controlled by my fucking parents and I want out but I see no hope or end to me ever leaving home,! Or findng friends or even getting married! Plus I am so wrong in my head I am So depressed in my mind!!! I want to get rid of it my depression! I hope my life gets better! But I bet it wont! Fuck the whole screwed up fucked up planet we all live on!! FUCK YOU EARTH! FUCK YA! PS: The best way to kill your self would be to Well check out the bloody stupid ways to go section morons!! I HATE YOU ME AND EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU ALL!!! TOSSERS!!! _______________________________________ now just to add some more: Just to add Noone wants me around includeing my family think i am not goodlooking enough! for them , and no its NOT becasue of my selfish way of talking, i DO CARE about the world a FUCKING LOT! So kiss my arse, you tossers, and i think your all scum bags the lot of you! SCUM!!! AND I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THE WRITEING HERE, THIS IS MY ADDING TO THIS STUPID SHITTY CREATION OF MOUCHETTE'S WEBSITE!!!! The One and Only Hater forever. Post it all mouchette! |
21 Jul 2006 | chris | dont go and fuckin kill your self ur jst a retard if u do so if ur 13 or younger and ur tryin 2 die already im 14 n im doin skunk and pot it feels good seein lil pink fairys and outher lil magical creatures fly round me wen i get high and i drink as well n ive neva tryed 2 kill myself but i one of those people who cheat death every day ive been cheating death for the passed year ive nearly died so many time but i keep fight even if i was up agenst a bunch of pikeys or pycos in shitty mobile homes chasin me with knifes and the outher day i got hit buy a van (truck) and i got a brouse it hit me at 30 miles an hour and i jst got up and went sk8in with my friends and i fell of my friends motor bike and broke a couple o ribs and my ankle got caught under the wheel and the tyre was still spinnin but i got up and went to da hospital im 14 and ive cheated death so much at my age n ill nearly made my x gf commit suicide cos i dumped her and she loved me so much so if u want some advice ask me or i can give u some 1 who relli understnds ....... so add and im not a gangsta i jst put it in there to be funny cos if u knoe me in real life ull understand y .... lol bye |
07 Jul 2006 | chris watts | get a 150 watt bulb and but it between ur teeth and sick ur finger in an electrical socket to see if u can light it |
03 Jul 2006 | HATER FOREVER | I will tell you my story! people have screwed my life up! To a point where I wont get better ever again! I have spent my whole life being scared of people and know i am scared shitless of the out side world! I wish my family would move us to a different area! I will tell you the way people have treated me! WHERE i live i have no friends no realtionships there s nothing here for me! I have gone completely mad because people wont leave me alone! And keep bullying me because i am not very good looking to a lot of people D: I have done some things that would make your stomach crawl! well self harmed thats it! I have been bullied here since i was 3 years old and other places not just where i live all because i am not vey good looking right! Theres more to come! Right now i have no one! I have nothing to do here! People dont understand me. My family dont understand me, I have a repuation for being someone i am not! things have happened in my life that as made me angry! Life is crap for somepeople and not crap for others! Alll i would like to do is move away but that will never happen! OH GOD WHAT CAN I DO! all i get is " your an ugly freak and your ugly etc " My family dont understand me! I hope i find a job on line to do and keep it if not its the streets for me! I am 25 years old and my family keep telling me to get lost but i can't i am too scared to be out there in the out side world! I have spent most of my time doing things alone and housebound to! My whole family have never got it easy and neither we wont and we are not close and i feel like i was never ment to be! Oh christ what a sick uncaring world we all live in! There are people who are ouitcasts you know the ones who don’t fit anywhere The rejects the losers the outcasts etc! Well I am one of them outcasts! I have been called all sorts of things in my time, UGLY,FAT, FREAKY,WEIRDO, SMELLY, GREASY, STUPID and loads more! I have had bullying which has scared the crap out of me! I am no longer apart of people around where I live I am a outcast from them! I have always believed I am the only ugliest person about but I guess I am not really: I am so starnge you know what I wish I could just get out of here but I am too scared to, plus people where I live are still noseing in my life! They don’t care about me.. Just talking about me and I tried to do my self once because of people hateing me for being ugly and they don’t care! I HATE THOSE PEOPLE NOW I HATE THEM! Plus this! Why Are The Ugly People Rejects! Why Is It that no one cares about ugly people!! When A black person gets Discriminated Against there is a Law for something to be done about it.. But when it is a ugly person being Discriminated against no one cares! I guess that’s what happens when you don’t have proper laws in a country to stop things from happening. You never see an ugly woman with a boyfriend or husband at that. But the woman do tend to go for the ugly men? Why is that ? Also its so unfair that people have to end up in a shit life because there not very good looking! Why are people strange with someone who is different?! I want to get to the bottom of all this, I think its about time this stupid behaviour stopped.! Why is it that ugly people have hardly any life? If you are ugly and you are a reject it lowers your IQ, Yes Rejection Lowers IQ and makes people aggressive and that can’t be good! Back to my topic also, I want to know is why people went out to hurt me for real that my life got screwed up over! People have tried to screw with my head growing up! JEZ Well also I am so well I dunno really because I am just strange to a lot of people where I live. No one here likes me and someone thinks I have boyfriends WELL A NEWS FLASH FOR THAT PERSON I DON’T HAVE A BOYFRIEND DUH! Anyway back to my topic¬ That’s all for now! I am stuck at home where everything is controlled by my fucking parents and I want out but I see no hope or end to me ever leaving home,! Or findng friends or even getting married! Plus I am so wrong in my head I am So depressed in my mind!!! I want to get rid of it my depression! I hope my life gets better! But I bet it wont! Fuck the whole screwed up fucked up planet we all live on!! FUCK YOU EARTH! FUCK YA! PS: The best way to kill your sekf would be to Well check out the bloody stupid ways to go section morons!! I HATE YOU ME AND EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU ALL!!! TOSSERS!!! |
10 May 2006 | Pru Reardon | Someone on here asked "what do you do when there's no option, not even death?".. simple Jesus Christ. I've always had to deal with depression, and a lot of things have happened to me that made me want to end the pain, but I discovered that Jesus has a plan for us and we need to go to him if we're feeling depressed. The answer really is God because he made you...brought you into this world and when it's time for you to go HE will take you out (so to speak.) Suicide is a sin and also the most selfish thing you could ever do. Think about the people that DO love you and how much pain you'll be causing them. Also, think about the sacrifice Christ made for you on the cross so you could live a good life have go to heaven through him. Jesus literally saves.. physically as well as spiritually. |
07 May 2006 | colton | but seriously im a christian(yall r thinkin "here we go)and i was once suicidal and felt empty,then one day i went to church and felt a lil better bout meself,so i started goin im happyer dont kill yallselfs people u might change the world one day peace !!,, colton |
29 Apr 2006 | Sasha | Thank God my three suicide attempts didn't work. Think life is painful? Try burning in excruciating pain in hell with demons chewing on your arms and legs for all of eternity with no hope of recovery. Everybody feels the way you do sometimes. As time goes by, things get better and better. Especially if you're now young and haven't even experienced life away from the losers at school or away from your parents' control. Life gets better and better as you get older. Why throw it away? If you're just going to kill yourself, why not give it your best, craziest shot first, and go after what you've always wanted without any fear? If you're just going to kill yourself later, you've got nothing to lose, right? A lot of the time you think you're crazy and you'll never feel better, or that you're horrible and can never change--THAT'S NOT TRUE. It's the devil whispering lies in your ear. Trust me! On my last suicide attempt, I woke up and called 9-11 because I was roused from the verge of death by Satan laughing at me--he was overjoyed that he had tricked me into killing myself and handing myself over to him. I have never before or after heard voices, so I'm not crazy. Just remember that everything good comes from God, and everything bad comes from the devil. Seek the light. Why hand yourself to someone who delights in torturing you? He's (Satan) the source of all your trouble, don't let him win. A lot of times, there are chemicals in your body whose job it is to make you feel awful and want to die. Remember that Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Satan, I rebuke you and bind you in the name of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus, evil spirits be gone. |
29 Apr 2006 | jazmin | IT seems that some christians are willing to die (suicide), but what about living? It is easy to kill yourself to escape the pain you are facing, but what about the miricle that is in the making for you. God has a special plan for your life, and it does not include suicide. If you kill youself, you are exalting yourself above GOD. Let God be God, and you be you. Also, there is a chance that if you commit suiside, you will be forever lost with out Jesus. Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and came to give life and life more abundantly. Why do i write, this week a special someone killed himself. |
28 Apr 2006 | Christina | well their are a number of best ways it depends on if the person wants a beautiful corpse or if they don't care Over doses are good but the classic slashing of the wrist isn't to bad either then drowning but that takes to long but the best way would have to be something suttle something no one would suspect then at the very end right before they die they should write or carve in thier arm or on a wall in blood saying I killed myself yahhhh!!!! but really the best way is just to make it painful there are to many ways for an under ageman to kill themseleves for thier to be a best way. |
27 Apr 2006 | carterluver | well i have no idea but i just felt like saying hi, im not like everyone else, haven't ever tried to commit suicide before but i really want to and all i can say is if i ever try to commit suicide it sure as hell is gonna work, and ppl are going to know and ppl are going to notice and so thats whats im thinking right now. and i know this is really weird, im not depressed & come frum a great christian home, but most of this is all carter sligh's fault b/c i love him but he doesn't love me and yes i am just a kid (14) but this isn't just come little kid crush - i love carter and i always will, but i just found out that he likes 1 of my really good friends (beka west) & another 1 of my friends likes him 2 (becca true) and both of them have a lot better chances with him than i do b/c im just 1 of those weird ppl that noone likes. so im just putting my life story on here everyone will know, i really dont care anymore, when i die i know ppl will think what a waste b/c im really smart (iq 153) & all that crap but i just dont care anymore. and i hope carter reade this & knows although now he is ignoring me. an dthis is my last thought - i want to hate him but i cant b/c i love him too much |
25 Apr 2006 | Ben | We’ve all heard it said: “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” And this is true with no exceptions. I’m 21 and started having suicidal thoughts around 15. Tried to end it all few times – hanging twice, suffocation, and just starting cutting bout two months ago. Grew up in a good family, my mom and dad were always good to me, but I was always unhappy. Always feel like shit, completely empty and worthless inside and my soul is black. My grandparents on both sides were abusive and men in my church were too. I’ve been physically and sexually abused and am a victim of satanic ritual abuse. If you want to know what that is, email me. I’ve been fucked in the ass so many times I could care less anymore. What’s one more fuck? Really, I’m already screwed up so much I don’t care anymore. But there’s always been one thing that’s kept me hanging on. I want everyone to listen to this cause what I’m gonna say is true. I also know there is a lot of anti-religious feelings among you all but hear me out. I do go to church - in part of keep me sane - have read the bible in search of meaning, and have learned a few things along the way. But just because I’m “religious” don’t think I can’t relate to you cause I’ve been to the edge more than once. Ok here’s what I’ve got to say: I want you to know what happens when you die. If you are not in Christ, you are condemned to hell. When you’re body dies, your soul leaves the body and the first thing you’ll see are angels. They will escort your soul to Sheol Hades (aka hell), which is only a temporary holding place before eternal torment. I don’t know what happens there but it’s not pleasant. It’s painful and torturous. But it’s only temporary because at the end of all things Christ will return to earth, destroy his enemies, and judge all of mankind. This is called the Great White Throne Judgment where all who have not accepted Jesus as their savior will be judged according to what they did with their life. Earth and sky will flee and one by one each person will have to stand before Jesus who is seated on a white throne. All mouths will be shut and arguments ceased. How will you be able to argue with the One who created you and gave you life? And when it is shown that you are deserving of eternal judgment, Christ will say ‘Depart from me because I never knew you,’ and at this point angels will seize you and throw you into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death, it’s different from hell, and it’s forever. In the Lake of Fire there will be no partying. There you will be all alone, not able to see anyone because it will be deathly black. But you will be able to hear the screams and crying of every other person there because there will be millions. A fire will continually burn at your skin but you won’t die because you will have an eternal body to go with your eternal soul. You will be in absolute agony but the soul will hurt the most. You will have eternal regret about your earthly life and you will scream at God in anger and hate for condemning you there and then when you can’t scream any more you will weep uncontrollably. Weep because of the pain and because you won’t be able to handle it but you won’t have a choice. And you will be forever alienated from God, who is the source of all life and everything good. And this will go on forever and ever and ever and ever and will never end. I’m not saved yet and if I were to die right now this would be my fate. And this is what keeps me hanging on. Everytime I want to end my life I think of life after death and what awaits me and I decide I can go on. I have to. I don’t want to die the second death. And I don’t want you to either. And you don’t have to. Every time you think of committing suicide think of this: First, that Jesus loves you and he bled and died for you to save you from eternal torment; and second, if you hate Jesus and don’t give a fuck, then you will be condemned to the Lake of Fire forever. And that will be far worse than what you’re suffering right now. You probably think I’m crazy for believing this but what do you believe? And what credible source do you have for you’re beliefs? Go read the bible if you don’t believe me cause this is what it says. Read Revelations. But just remember, anything you’ve suffered Jesus has suffered too and He knows what you are going through. He cries when you cry and He loves you even when nobody else give a crap about you. His love has kept me hanging on. Maybe his love will touch you too. |
24 Apr 2006 | Almost gone | I am a Christian looking to kill myself. I'm looking for the best gun to buy to get the job done as neatly and with as little mess as possible. If anyone has any ideas. Pls advise. Oh, and I know that God loves me, and life isn't that bad etc etc... but don't blame me. You don't know my story and I don't feel like telling it. I'm just looking for the best possible device to do the job and I can't seem to face "hanging" myself. Thanks |
21 Apr 2006 | Chris | Man are you all for real, you think lives so tough and everyone hates you and all that bull shit, and you think killing yourself won't matter it'll get rid of your pain,like lick my balls, so you get rid of your pain cause so dumbass keeps teasing you and making you cry and upseting you, and you hate that and people like that right? So why kill yourself and destroy the lives of the people who love you, by that time your no better then the people that bullied you cause your just cause more pain to more people, just cause you've got pain you don't care about anyone else you selfish pricks like get over yourself everyones lives tough sometimes, so maybe more then others but like fuck suck it up and try to beat it, my dad died when i was younger, did i think about commiting suicde, no, cause i know thats the last thing he would want me to do, so all you people that have had closer family deaths and want to commit suicde cause that, to be with them, they don't want they they want to see you live your life and get through the tough times. |
19 Apr 2006 | Crimson_lenin | Life. What a horrible word. God, why the hell do you want me to live? How much pain must I endure? This world is so cold and cruel. At least Hell will be warm. Please make it stop. The demons. Make them go away! Please, make it stop! Just kill me now! Nothing is a good substitute for life. Not even death. In the words of Jesus Christ, if there is such a thing, Oh fuck it. I don't even think there is a god. Even if there was, he is a cruel MOTHERFUCKER! |
03 Apr 2006 | Naomi Pesticcio | Your all stupid Jesus gave you a life for a reason, dont lose it, your all great kids become a Christian and do something with your life don't be scared God it looking after you he loves you so plz do not commit suicide i will pray for you plz!!!!!!xxxxxxxx plz |
01 Apr 2006 | People Don't Take All These Posters or Posts seriously for christ sake.I bet half these peoples posts are taking the piss!! |
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