Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form. |
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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13? Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans? |
01 Jun 2007 | Chris | are you kidding me? |
13 May 2007 | Joe | Give up your life. Give it up to Christ. And you will find you have realy found life. Did Mother Teresa consider suicide? No. But she gave up her life for love. And found life abundantly. All who remember he call her blessed. We are all here to love, and forgive. That is life in a nutshell. Give love to even they who do not deserve it. And you will find more love than you will know what to do with. |
15 Apr 2007 | ironcrossofnyc | wil i have over dosed 3 times that i counted and cut my self for years i know ur pain but its not the answer...... |
04 Apr 2007 | Springs selcourt hell | Ben u r a gud guy, i hear u out. Im a 15 yr old girl frm a christian home. I hav no reason 4 my twistd mind, iv neva been teasd abused nothin ppl used 2 lyk me i jst always hd a luv 4 hurtin myself i scratchd blud outa myself since da age of 5 de very 1st tym i tryd 2 kil myself was wen i was 7, nw 8yrs lata its stil in my mind. i rememba even beggin god 2 kill me im guna do it on sunday ben. Sory |
22 Feb 2007 | Serena | Well im not under 13 no more. I am 15 now. I am hear to say that suicide is not the answer. I know someone that loves "YOU" so much. He died on the cross for "YOUR SINS". His name is "JESUS CHRIST". He can help you!! Dont kill yourself. Thats a lie that satan is telling you. I you do commit suicide(which i pray you dont) you will go to hell. Hell is not fun and games. You are tortured and mocked there. I cant stress this enough "GIVE YOUR HEART TO GOD". We were put here on earth to praise God. And thanks to God i am still here. Yes i once wanted to die so bad. I have cut myself in the past. The pain was unberable. almost killed myself over 30 times. I almost cut my wrist to die, I almost used a gun several times, I almost drowned myself so many times, I almost swallowed many different types of pills, I almost sufficated myself. I even almost jumped off roofs really high up. The last time i tried was at church. Yes at church!! I was going to swallowed many different types of pills!! Oh i was so sure i was going to end it forsure! But i thank GOD for my pastors! They cared so much!! I felt so convicted to try to kill myself at church. everytime i tried God sent different people in my path, so it was hard to try. So i walked back out and talked to my pastor.. I got help. So we prayed and he listend to what i had to say!! And sometime you begin to think how come these people care for me so much?? So now im fine and living my life for God... You cant tell me God cant deliver you from something.. He can!!!!! He delivered me from this!!! What he does for one he can do for another. Just put your faith in God!!! Never give up!! |
17 Feb 2007 | Jaci | 1As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air (Satan), the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 3All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. 4But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast. 10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:1-10 May you find freedom in a loving, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Christ said "I did not come to judge the world, but to save it." (John 12:47). Struggle, despair, depression are all what Satan desires for you, but God has so many wonderful things he wants to give you because he loves you. Before i discovered what it meant to find my worth in God's gift of Jesus dying on the cross, i was also suicidal. The only reason i didn't try anything was because i was afraid if i failed that the pain i was in would become visible and i would have to explain what i was going through. Satan thrives on us feeling this way. There is a battle over your soul --- and it's because you are worth SO INCREDIBLY MUCH to God!!! You can have hope, though, because God has all the power, and if you claim Jesus' death as your only reason to live above Satan's attacks and as your ticket into Heaven, God will provide you with an abundant life on earth and an eternal life in Heaven, a paradise he created to share with you. God calls you is child, and that's exactly what you are! Let him be your perfect, loving father. Let your love, hope, and peace come raining down from him to wash away all of the weight put in your lives by Satan. Feel free to email me if you have any questions, if you need to let some things off your chest, or if you would like to hear more about the love and hope God longs to give to you! |
01 Feb 2007 | alayah 10 | i think you shouldnt kill your self i think that you should think about ur family and start to think how god will feel (SORRY 2 ALL DA PEEPS WHO ARE DIS BELIVAS OF GOD, JESUS CHRIST) AND TRY YOUR BEST not 2 kill your self you could end up in the job u always wanted 2 do |
25 Jan 2007 | Monica | Here are some things to think about: For the reader does not consider themselves a Christian and is having suicidal thoughts: Give God a chance! Bottom line - if you have tried everything but God, try God! I know this might sound foolish in the midst of the despair and hopelessness you must feel to consider ending the life that God has given you, but God says Himself that He is the only source of true hope. God tells us in the Bible that as a Christ-follower you can live by faith that rests on "the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time…" (Titus 1:2) If you don't yet have a relationship in Jesus then you have been living without a hope that can sustain you through the worst of life's circumstances! You can start a relationship with Jesus right now – really! One of the best explanations of how to start a relationship with God is found at the following link - I sincerely hope you'll consider putting your faith in God through His Son, Jesus Christ. You were born into this world for one eternal purpose – to know God personally and enjoy Him forever. Isaiah 43:2-3a says, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior". No matter how big the problem, God is bigger. Amen |
21 Jan 2007 | Mien Jr | its me again on my psp im probably posting on the wrong place but i might be dead in a few..... people who live on will die eventually but worst then suicide all you cowards who say your fine now i bet its just an excuse to avoid pain i can forgive u all since u dont know my story but for those who r sad for those africans dying its their own fault their own stupidity like every other race wat u can blame is religion because of it the world became corrupt fear developed espectially any form of christiani |
03 Jan 2007 | Tonya | Accept Jesus Christ. When we die to our own selfish self, we can begin to live for Him. Get uncaught up in self and live to be a blessing to others. |
25 Dec 2006 | Tulani | i want to kill myself because when i was 12 i raped a baby, i am a girl and it was my baby brother actually. i know this is not a good defense, but i was sexually abused by my older brother, sister and cousin, i don't think that it is too bad, but, common on, it was a 9 month old baby, and i knew what i was doing was wrong. The baby is grown now and is a young boy, 10, and the other day i saw him looking at porn and i feel guilty , so i want to kill myself. |
21 Dec 2006 | Morgan C. - the weird canadian | umm dont kill yourself, it'll get better. i love you all xox have a merry christmas :O) |
24 Nov 2006 | Legna | Jump! Take some poison! Go to Iraq! Before you know it, it will be over, but why would anyone kill themselves? This is a very interesting philosophical question and it may vary from person to person with no agreement. Life is beautiful. Struggles are part of life. As we toil on this beautiful Earth of ours, we sometimes wonder why there are struggles, but it is on fact these struggles that create life. You may wonder where all of these struggles will lead humanity, but there is a product in the end. if you struggle with out Lord Jesus Christ, your life will end with sucess. Even if you struggled with an addiction, starvation, povertyof any kind, the Lord is powerful and will save humanity in the end if it stays anchored to Him. If you want to commit suicide, I don't blame you, but there is more than one way to do this. Destroy your present life, and find one in Jesus. This is the best way to help heal the world and free it from its struggles. You want a suicide kit eh? Put the Holy Bible in a beautiful box and shut it. |
16 Nov 2006 | Chrismas Jones | Okay. I have to be really carefull in the way I word this.( I want it to sound perfect ) ..but acualy, I don't even know what i'm writing. mouchette, your a fucking mystery. but simply i am atracted to this place... This website is NOT normal.(infact theres no other website that even compares to the things you find here.) the reason this website gets so many hits is because it is one of the first results you get on google, the worlds main search engine, for "suicide." this made the suicide kit the bigest peice of the huge puzzle witch is Also something i just wanted to add is how god damn hard it is to get into the section for your favorite posts, theres things from many months ago still on the front page. I, myself have even had a couple in the favorites section, one of them is still on the front page is you scroll down enough. Yes, i used to be a frequint poster on this site,(seems nerdy huh?) but i never was put under the famous persons section, since i think you no longer update. i have been ecnolegedy by your mouchette, though, whitch is an honor. Mouchette i think after awhile you'll figure out who i am. But i must say i signed off, and i might never be here again but i felt the urge to make a late but final mark mouchette. I hope we meet some day. <3 p.s. Dear old readers, If you think you know who i am, (an x mouchette'r) look up my old posts and send me an email. I'd like to see what you people think. And i also would love ot get hate mail on how much you hate me! :D sincerly, A once spooky poster. (Okay that was a big hint xD shit.) Mouchette. <3 |
15 Nov 2006 | christehh | UMM..yeahh..imm 12 && imm retardedd :D well not mentally..I JUST CALL MYSELF A RETARD. =] so the best way to kill yourself depends on the situation..0.0. for example, if u have insurance and your parents dont care about you, your best bet is to ask someone who is as depressed as you to kill each other =D , your parents get the money and you die and you help someone else die..doesnt get much fucking better than that. BUT, if money isnt a problem, you just cut your wrist .. i tried that once.. and i took morphine before i did it and i saw the actual vien thingyy but i got FUCKING CAUGHT BY MY FCKING i dropped the knife..BUT THE BEST WAY IS TO TAKE ALOT OF SLEEPING PILLS(FALL INTO DEEP SLEEP)BUT U FIRST BUILD A FIRE AND THEN YOU FALL ASLEEP NEXT TO THE FIRE. SECOND WAY IS TO JUMP OUT THE WINDOW CUZ NOBODY CAN STOP YOU AND YOU DONT FEEL MUCH PAIN CUZ URE DEAD BEFORE YOU KNOW IT. =) STAY SWEET PEOPLE. |
09 Nov 2006 | chris | I want to die my life is crazy my teachers ate me and they want me to fail my mom is nice but she gets really strict sometimes i've tried jumping out my window choking myself and holding my breath with and without water. I just can't do it I even pray to God to just take me home i am crying as i write this but i guess i'll have to suffer all my life. The only people that care about me is my friends, I am an a low budget actor and I've always wwanted to be a star I've tried killing myself today but i heard a voice so f anyone reads this just tell me what you think I should do. |
04 Nov 2006 | Amy | This is to Chris, I understand what your talking about...especially about the whole college thing and not having anyone to talk to or trust. It really is hard. Sometimes I find myself wishing I could just sleep forever. For what it's worth Chris, I care. |
23 Oct 2006 | nameless | I was apprehensive of posting my opinion about anything at first because who wants to be responsible for someone else’s beliefs or actions, but then I stopped and thought about it, and I figure in the end, I'm not the one pushing the button, so I'll take a chance and voice what I'm thinking. I find it interesting about how some people here are putting an age-limit to when a person should wait to commit suicide. I'm not going to say that younger people who want to commit suicide should wait or not, but it definitely seems like there's some level of maturity that a person should reach before they make such a huge decision. Then again, I'm 28 and I've wanted to die since I was 15. Waiting to live more life hasn't exactly changed my world perspective on things. So, now you're saying to yourself, "If you've been suicidal for so long, then why haven't you killed yourself at some point." Just to clarify, I said that I've wanted to die since I was 15, not that I've been suicidal since I was 15. Don't get me wrong. I've had plenty of suicidal bouts, but they tend to be short lived. There’re two major reasons I don't off myself. One is the same reason a lot of the life-resenting people here haven't killed themselves yet either; this fear of hurting others. I know what it's like to pray to God that someone kills you or to die in some accident to alleviate yourself of responsibility of hurting those around you. Yeah, I hear ya. It’s a harsh thing to just wait to die. The second reason I’ll get to later. So, in the end, the reason I came across this site was because I’m finally getting to the point where I’m feeling real desperate. There’s this whole, “I really want to die,” thing going on, and this, “But I can’t hurt the people around me,” issue. So I’ll go ahead and explain my story (the religious ones will definitely love this story). I don’t want to die because I’ve been abused. I don’t want to die because I’ve been hurt. I don’t want to die because I want to be with someone that’s passed on to the other side. I want to die because, like so many of you agree, life is meaningless. Here’s an interesting story; a true story. So it’s winter Feb. 18, 1988. I was nine years old, almost ten. I was getting ready to walk with my little sister to the bus stop to go to school, and I decide to slide on the ice at the end of my driveway. So, I slide on the ice, and meanwhile, the neighbor at the end of his street is driving his daughter to the bus stop. I look up and there’s the bumper of his Ford F150. At some point I blacked out, and I came to a minute later, and the front passenger tire of his truck is lying right along my rib-cage, but I’m not crushed. I think everyone has a single defining moment in their lives, and for me, it’s this, and I’ll explain why. I’ve got a problem with surviving getting hit square-on by a truck like that and living. Hell, all I got was a scratch on my ankle. I remember later that year during the holiday season, my mom was like, “You should be thankful you’re alive.” I also remember not thinking much of it. I find it interesting how you’ll hear stories about how people will come close to dying, and they end up living and are like, “Thank God. I’m going to live every day to the fullest, I’m so thankful to be alive.” Not me. No. Five years later, I’m thinking about ways to kill myself and cutting myself up and shit like that. And so, I take a chance, and I swallow a bottle of sleeping pills, and I wake up eight hours later. And so, I take a gun, and point it at my head, and pull the trigger, but the damn thing misfires. (The second reason I don’t attempt suicide is because it seems like it just doesn’t work, at least for me). You see what I’m getting at here. I believe in God, but I’m not entirely happy with this situation, indeed I’m not. You see, my perspective on all of this is that I’m cursed. I’ve come to the conclusion that God hates me, and that this “life” is punishment for some sin that I committed, but I have not idea what that sin was. I’ve come to the conclusion that I actually died that day I was hit by that truck. I’ve come to the conclusion that considering that fact that my attempts to end my own life have been futile, there’s no hope for escaping this “life”. And the thing that chaps my ass the most is that I NEVER ASKED TO BE BORN, and that I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I DID to deserve this existence. I live in this world where life is obviously worthless. I live in this world, where the fortunate piss away what advantages have been granted to them, and treat their own lives like they were meaningless by indulging in vice, “because they can,” and not doing anything to better themselves because, “they don’t need to.” I live in a world where people around me treat their neighbors’ lives as if they were worthless. People that have no problem threatening or hurting a person for their own gain. People that would lie cheat and steal with absolutely no regard for how it is that their actions affect the people around them. People who rape and abuse and kill. People who have no problem having prejudices against a certain demographic of people for whatever bullshit reason. People that are like, “I hate Jews,” or,”I hate blacks,” or, “I hate fags”, or,”I hate Muslims.” Kill’em all right? What horse-shit. And it’s these same fuckers that would dare to tell me that life is worth living. These ignorant, stupid sons o’ bitches that have the gall to treat each other and themselves the way they do, and to turn around and tell me that life is precious. Sorry, buddy, the way you lead your life reinforces the fact that life is worthless. And my punishment, MY PUSHISHMENT FROM GOD is to have to exist in this world with people like that. And for all you God and Jesus fan-boys out there, I believe in God and Christ. Oh yeah. I believe. How could I not. Think about the ways that I’ve tried to kill myself and here I am. Oh yeah. It makes more sense to chalk it up to divine intervention than to sheer coincidence (that’s just my take on things). But you know that means. The worst part about living this life, the worst part about being “saved by God,” means only one thing. That God didn’t save me. Oh no. What it means is that God didn’t want me in His heaven. The perfect opportunity to die when I was an innocent nine year old and God didn’t want me then. And here I am, almost 20 years later, suffering this life (as a sinner no less) because I didn’t die that day. Here I am, having to witness this world, and having to know these people that live in it, and it’s definitely Hell. The reason I don’t attempt suicide is not because I’m afraid of eternal damnation, oh no. This is damnation. This is damnation because unlike most people, I KNOW God hates me. It’s the only thing that makes sense. And that’s the thing that hurts the worst. See, when I imagine a stereotypical Hell, I imagine these demons tearing at my flesh and burning my skin and the smell of sulfur. No. That’s nothing. That’s nothing compared to the hurt I feel believing in God, and knowing that the God that I love so very much will never reciprocate that love back to me, and in fact does quite the opposite. Life is difficult to live. We have to work hard and be honest and make ends meet from day to day, and try to be good to others. It’s hard carrying that weight. And that’s how I try to live. But every time I try to have hope and every time I try to have dreams it’s quashed immediately. And I can’t help but think that this is all part of God’s punishment for me. I don’t pray anymore because I know that no matter how desperate I am for whatever it is that I’m asking God’s help with, it’ll never be answered. I’ve preyed too many times with the opposite thing of what I preyed for to have any faith in God answering my prayers in a positive way. In fact, I come to the conclusion that God answers my prayers by allowing things in my life to hurt me. So I’ve given up on praying because I think God’s getting tired of listening to my voice. So frankly, I wish I would’ve died when I was a kid. I wish I didn’t believe in God. You see, if there was no God, I could die right now, and that’d be that. No heaven. No Hell. It wouldn’t matter. So don’t tell me that life’s precious. I have yet to meet someone the not only treats their own life as precious, but treats the lives of all those around them as precious too. Yeah, precious……bullshit. So don’t you tell me that all I have to do is find God. I already found God, and knowing God is the worst torture I’ll ever know. Honestly. All you non-believers have it pretty good. Frankly I’m jealous. I suppose that’s all I have to say about that. If you feel like emailing me, you’re more than welcome. Props to anyone that’d like to off my ass. |
21 Oct 2006 | Chris | Jump off a building. Im going to do it in a couple of days. |
21 Oct 2006 | ben | hey man i know this dont seem big but im a christian in a very very non-christian school im getting more depressed each day because its so hard i dont want to commit suicide but im just in a real tuff situation its not that big to some people but im just so depressed can u help me?? |
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