Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
19 Nov 2000 Melody Lovejoy With the Christmas season arriving, you could create a memorable holiday by hanging yourself from the tree. Maybe tie a card around your wrist, and hang mistletoe from your mouth? Your mom won't forget this one!
17 Nov 2000 nitesurf Put a plastic bag over your head & tell your little brother that you want to show him the greatest magic trick. Then tell him to wrap your head in duct tape. Tell him to keep wrapping no matter how silly you act. Tell him to leave you in his closet for an hour & then get your parents to see his cool trick! Have a great life, Kiddo!
17 Nov 2000 Focht Why not put on a nice white summer dress with a nice white wide brimmed hat in July, then jump out in front of a speeding ice cream truck? Just think how of the contrast of red blood and white tattered dress? The bright blood of innocents and the innocence represented by the white of the dress so crudely torn and voilated will make a bold statement. And do it in in front of people, that will make it extra tragic because you can scar them for life as well.
Try to make every day an interesting one
06 Nov 2000 mercredi décide de faire absolument ce que tu veux et n'écoute personne. Cours avec des ciseaux. Met plein de trucs dans ton nez, des crayons, des punaises, et aussi dans les prises électriques. Garde toujours un sac en plastoc sur la tête. Fais-toi des super flashs, fume la moquette, des bouts de plastique, gargarise-toi à l'ajax, ne regarde plus jamais avant de traverser la route, dors toute nue dans le jardin au mois de décembre, essaie de sauter de toît en toît comme dans Matrix...
Mais j'éviterais le flingue, on se rate trop souvent. Les médics pareil, sauf si tu prends 20 extas, alors là ça peut aller. Le cutter c'est bien, mais coupe pas les veines dans la largeur si tu veux pas que ça se referme. Et en fait je trouve ça assez dégueu. Préfère tous les trucs qu'on t'interdit quand t'es gosse. Réfléchis avant de faire des conneries, quand on se marre bien, la vie c'est quand même cool...
03 Nov 2000 éléonore Un étouffage à l'aide d'une grosse peluche. Il suffit d'ouvrir la peluche à l'aide d'un cutter de glisser sa tête dedans et d'attendre.
16 Oct 2000 Urotsukidoji Well I think the best way to go when your under the age of 13 would have to be the electric chair. Why? Well, because who else under the age of 13 has been in the chair? See, you would be the coolest cat on the block all strapped down and ready to go to the spirit in the sky. I think if this is included in maybe a deluxe kit, it would sell.
01 Oct 2000 Candice Since one of 13 is still in school, one way is soak yourself with water with the emergency shower in the science room or just the tap located in that same room, find a high voltage socket, which can be found in science rooms, stick copper wires into it and bam! you are now an amazing conductor of electricity and now, consequently, fried to death. There are more clever ways however. Little kids like apples, and apple seeds contain cyanide. Why not spend your time attaining about 2 cups of apple seeds, ground them up, ingest them and wait until the sweet poision kills you? oh, I have many ideas.
08 Aug 2000 Crista Hang yourself from a swingset.
26 Jul 2000 MAurice Moudug s'empiffrer de bonbons, et de mourir la panse éclatée par des malabars qui sortent du bide !!
25 Jun 2000 collette Try to impale yourself on an object that was very dear to your parents. Say, a family heirloom. Especially if you have rich parents who happen to love the heirloom more than they ever loved you. If not, try something like a beloved family dog - goad it in to eating you. Your rich parents live in the penthouse suite? Throw yourself off their balcony. Get run over by their Mercedes. Always associate your death to something they treasured far more than you. Rich people are easy targets.

What? Your parents are loving, caring, supportive people? And you somehow still want to kill yourself? Then get yourself down to a high crime-rate area and within a few minutes your life will be over. Stray bullets, flying shrapnel, you know how it is. Or walk absentmindedly onto a freeway during rush hour.

Always, ALWAYS leave a suicide note. Blame it on your alcoholic/abusive/whatever parents. Or a school bully. Or society in general - you've seen that the world can only offer you a grim future, lost your innocence, your will to live.

Oh wait, this is supposed to be a game, right? Damn.
14 Jun 2000 Auryn hang oneself with an elaborately woven rope made of 100% pure Barbie hair
17 May 2000 rezmen the best way to kill yourself when your under 13 is to go visit your uncle dahmer... 'course, there is always the pop rocks and pepsi approach... but that's not much of a "kit" is it?
05 May 2000 Zach I'd say that the best way is by overdosing on drugs while skydiving with an anvil instead of a parachute. That way you can pretend that you're Wild E. Coyote and that darn Roadrunner got you again.
20 Apr 2000 Ricky Cox Overdose on hopscotch
12 Apr 2000 Spider A plastic knife, washable red paint, liquid latex to make fake lacerations, a jar of candies labled poison with a skull and crossbones, a fake suicide note with blanks for you to fill in.
10 Apr 2000 Ryan "Magic Death Potion": in a box, and in plastic, have all these neat little bottles with cool names, like "bottle of passion" or "bottle of lust". Give instructions on how to mix the proper ones into a black can called "drink of death". Of course these are all poisonous chemicals like iodine and liquid toilet cleaner.
04 Apr 2000 swindlersfist Playground antics turn deadly when daddy's gun's brought to school.
28 Mar 2000 vesalius Speaking from personal experience, when I was 11 and I killed myself, I used razor blades. It's the only way to go darling. And don't just stop with the wrists... be lavish, slash everything, get your blood on as much as possible. You don't want people to forget you when you're gone and this is the last time they're going to see you. Wearing my mother's clothing for the process made her especially proud of me... Yes I still remember my first suicide fondly.
09 Mar 2000 bjorn bye The suicide-kit-box doesn`t need to contain anything. Climb into it, close the lid, and make sure no air flow in. Then, wait.
07 Mar 2000 mowglie Take a long-drink glass; fill it up with vanilla ice and mustard. Mix it.
Take another long-drink glass; fill it up with vanilla ice and mustard. Mix it.
Repeat doing this until you're dead. and remember; do not taste for it tastes bad.

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