Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
18 Nov 2000 Mitch Putain!! Moi je capte rien je suis tombée sur un p'ove site ki se fout de la gueule des suicidaires...
Moi , g un véritable problème, mon meilleur ami est au bord du suicide car ma meilleure amie k'il amait + ke tt au monde l'a laché. Ses parents vont divorcer et il vient de sortir d'1 accident plutôt grâve...
Putain c' affreux!!
Y'a qq1 pr nous aider, ds cette situation????
Vous là, AIDEZ NOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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