Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form. |
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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13? Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans? |
01 Apr 2006 | still waiting | Is someone going to close this bloody place down or what!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the threats and NOTHING YET.. carrys on waiting...... |
30 Mar 2006 | chuck | You guys are ALL pathetic. IF you wanted to kill yourself, you would. There is no trying. Cut ur wrists, and let it bleed til you die. The one who say "I've tried 200 times" are only looking for attention, or are sadomasicistic. If you're gona do it, don't advertise it, don't look for attention, do it for the right reason, and do it right. pussies |
30 Mar 2006 | Tia Russell | I think the best way 2 kill urslf is 2 over dose on sleepin med or just take ur pain out on ur wrists! i mean what is the fuckin point 2 wait ! do us all a favor save cryin bullshit 4 maury and do it all ready ! geeze! |
29 Mar 2006 | me | i think this is the most horrible website i have ever come across. i have had 2 friends that have committed suicide aweek apart (3/16/06 & 3/23/06)to see their parents & other friends go through so much pain & anguish is the most retched thing i've ever seen. just think about how you felt when you lost a grandparent or other family member, or even a did that make you feel...? well, that is how all of us feel when something like this happens. i think this website should be shut down...this is a disgrace to human nature & the children of the world. if you kill yourself you are dumb! |
20 Mar 2006 | someone who cares | This site is wrong for kids to be looking at wat kind of person invents a game for little kids about suicide, suicide is a big issue and should be taken seriously. Mouchette is a complete frodd also. Believe me i know. |
20 Mar 2006 | someone | Mouchette is a really successful online persona: a sad, creepy little girl based on the 1967 film by Robert Bresson. The website has been around for years and years and as far as I can tell the identity of the people behind the persona is still unknown. The page I was taken to was incredibly disconcerting. I'm not comfortable with the suicide, sexuality and violence. But being comfortable is not what Mouchette is about, she's provocative and she knows it. There's a forum for sending Mouchette hate mail that is also unnerving in it's brutality. But panning through the random painful angry posts, made me think about the genuine challenges of free communication in public space. People ain't always pretty. I think mouchette is a sick person and not just an artist. |
17 Mar 2006 | ........ | u kids need serouis help and honestly y kill ur self its a small part in ur life and u go crazy o please! by the way i am reporting this web site to the police and maybe this idea will not influence u to commite sucide.(spelling not great but i am not the one thinking to kill myself) |
16 Mar 2006 | Dr. Phil | Seriously, whats wrong with ya ppl? My life aint good either, u fucking overemotial's kid, suicide wont help ya, wont help your friends/relatives either, so why in the fuck woulda ya do it? I mean, gimme a brake, sucide.. ? Sheesh. If you'r guy, and ur fat, instead of spending time whining, go out run or go to gym. If ur girl, just loose it, put some make-up and go out. At the End of the Rainbow, theres the treasure, u just have to endure the pooring rain. :S |
14 Mar 2006 | Jamie | seriously you all make me sick (the one wanting to commit suicide). If you obviously want to commit suicide cause your life is so bad then why the hell are you on some crappy website talking about it.. if you really are at ''the last straw'' then why are you here? should you not be dead? or are you obviously just an attention seeking prick, cause lets face it why else would anyone display there ''emotions'' for everyone in the world to see other than for attention so the next time you say im not saying this to get attention think ..... wait if i dont want attention then i mayaswell not say anything and go and kill yourself, because if you think killing yourself is some sort of solution your a prick and thus for being so fucking stupid you deserve to die, you must all feel so much better as you ''poor your hearts out'' on the internet .... theres nothing worse and as for the one who said '' i have tried 87 different ways of suicide'' its people like you that are the worst. look at me i tried 87 times, is it suppose to impress people, and another thing lets say its true 87 times ... you must be dumb why are you alive. if your all so fuckin sad then quit moaning and go die as it seems to be what you all want... but please dont piss people off when they stumble across sites saying ''What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13 ?'' you know how wrong that is because think about when someone who really has problem see's it, think if they hadnt wanted to commit suicide but this shitty webiste gave them the idea and they end there life because trash like you who think its cool to be ''depressed'' you have barbed wire and blood backgrounds cause there ''cool'' and you all seem to try and come up with the worst stories so people will feel sorry for you, yet you say you dont want attention, you should either kill yourselfs or get on with fucking life, it makes me feel sorry for the people who really have issues and end up finding assholes like this when they look for support. I hope there is life after death, so all you pricks will have died in vain. |
14 Mar 2006 | a concerned citizen | None cuz your fucking stupid get this site of the internet before i kill you then you wont even need a way to kill your self cuz you will already be dead |
13 Mar 2006 | dead boi | wtf close this web page down its shit!!mouchette u fucking whore stop sending me shitty emails Eeeeerrrrrr |
11 Mar 2006 | qwerty | Horrific!! absolutely horrific!! your site should be made illegal and shut down |
10 Mar 2006 | thomas | Si tu as reellement 13 ans, ce dont je doute, il est normal de t'interroger sur ce qui peut inciter certaines personnes à tenter de se suicider ou à mettre réellement un terme à leur existence. Les cas de suicide d'enfants non pré-pubères sont heureusement extremement rares, en tout cas en France. Mais demander à donner des conseils "techniques" à des enfants pour se suicider me semble relever du plus grand mauvais goût si tu as 13 ans. D'autant que tu ne peux savoir comment des enfants de ton age pourrait appréhender ce débat, qui se situe à la limite de l'incitation au suicide; illégal en France mais certainement "toléré" dans ton pays. Si tu es bien plus agée ou que des adultes qui se proclament certainement tolérants et permissifs soutiennent ta démarche, cela releve à mon avis de la bétise la plus consternante.Je ne tiens pas être grossier. D'ailleurs le contenu de ce site entièrement dédié à une fillette (virtuelle?) est caractéristique d'une pathologie narcissique avancée. Dommage que ce site si esthétique ait un contenu aussi glauque. NB: merci de ne plus m'envoyer de photo de fesses nues par mail. En France, les enfants n'ont pas non plus légalement accès à la pornographie mais que les Néerlandais sont ouverts d'esprit... |
08 Mar 2006 | stop&think | u kids r idiots i dont care if ur like catholic or not, but take advantage of ur life cuz kids are slaughtered every day in africa and other places- so stop wanting attention u ass faces and do something with ur talent if u want it that badchrist u kids are real bitches |
07 Mar 2006 | wiseman | fuckin grow up and get on with it if youre so unhappy try to achieve something good or bad but an achievement. like robbing a bank for example. if you fail then decide on suicide at that point if you succeed your rich and you can do what the fuck you want. for all those attention seekers fucking welcome to the real world |
07 Mar 2006 | dead boi | u fucking nutter make a porno site or something instead of talkin bout suicide fuckin hell ur wrong!! |
07 Mar 2006 | READ IT COZ ITS TRU | i think ure all fukin pathic ! ure jus attention seeking fukers stop thinkin bout ure selfs and think bout how u cud use ure tlives to luk afta oves ders dying pple in africa tht would love to have the treatment u selfish priks evry single one of u and wt about the pple tht do care they have to suffer ! get ova it alot pf pple get bullied and no body thinks der perfect bt u dnt see them complaing lyk u nob heds do u now ! honeslty u need to have a hard luk in the mirror all of u stop wasting doctors tyms and strt sorting ure lives out i dnt feel the slitest bit sorri for any single one of u priks u all deserve wt u get and i hope u no tht ! ! so stop wf the attention seekin |
07 Mar 2006 | Jordan | If you want to do it, go ahead. If you were serious, you wouldnt be writing about it would be dead! Duh! You all just want attention. The serious ones are found in the desert with a gunshot wound to the head. |
06 Mar 2006 | dead boi re-lived | oi! wtf is this webpage about??i doiny get it are u like telling people the best way to top themselves?and i hope ur happy i nearly died o well mite get lucky next time (fingers crossed) |
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