Poems, a story or a dialogue?
The Quatrains
Now is the watly freetly, an in the gearly gows Af sifty rarkled frumptily and bickled fore the troes! Oh roopily and fortily lee farly in a bail And pren the wilkly in the den wither the farly dail.
Oh loodly the fardle in the bray - a strale of kirtled vale Al ippy crawed the orber awig the tirmly crale. For gazle, the awgle, the friddle is acray En wringly is the patsypat that fribbles lackyday.
Gogo Oh Gogo - bleety in the pleat is headedly a'flail And easing up the clavatty is typically pail Bano! A gogo pardled and rimicked in the skeat And frappled toily in the skyre and biddled as a threte.
Eartle and yelty Ho ho! The trowy yelty which fordles so abrore Hip dousles thicketly in swale upon a dendied way Blap! A gamitt elows as a skraying-puddled boar And pattles slyly, tintilly afore the bustled cray.
The prendickle Oh prendickley, oh prendickley, thrustles afore away Yay sill the cuddening fristles broak, yay sill the cuddening cay! A whence alay, a whence alay, tis to a hurrying thrud Til gargly sweetles ristle and thrub, til gargly bistles bud.
Ye solling whereoffle Whereoffle, where ist thi solling jist and where thi brubbling bay? Tis fissle and wad, fissle and wad, iny a live-long splay. Twis solling, solling and manifud but twas a lungy lip Til burdle trowling cuddled so and firmling thribbed the nip.
Holeymunny Twis holeymunny an the firstle whispled oot a bree A finny dis, so as twos tilled, bar thruppled through and through But histle there and finny tare - twis whostle munny three One histle miss - oh, twiggy fuss - is lungled for a hoo.
Figgle Tin a figgle, ton a figgle, a prithy figgle for tee And comfy cloury in a fury wat nittle was for he! So hicky mincy, puck-a-fincy and wattled here and dere I cuttled wiggly with a frip and smally wissle lere!
Vieuws in a dimple
Oh tramply: in a dimpler, fingled impleness of twight But lou, thi vieuwed the doddle - vieuwed the fortled gire? Tack princkle prattle of thee then, a bunckle ip delight So inckle in the freightingful but wirry in respire.
In an aboutle In an aboutle, Oh wittily whee, tis scree, I fleetled, when he raddled. Oh - in the paddled - Tis so dree
Flangychore Er ist fine flangychorus and fripply swept the line Upon dovers mistle-slip and blithily afine A fristle, the mistle, twas grilly in the spore And twistled gaudily a light to flangy in the tore.
Despirtled elting-hussle In tun elting-hussle, a lungly did lackle and prat But forty wulded hennickbons dod spirtingly attire. So wingled he and gort a frun, but simbly twinkles pat While ithy spirtled toastily aback a quintly dire.
Martle-blowy Come frithly, come fraply, or cometh nomb in shorl So will I whirtle gradingly, so told I ith the pawl Whither a whirly, a whirly pid and sithy was for lo? Till countersiggle whippled it and martle was a'blow.
an inkly darg, liveried not awear, Mardy ilted forth. Ip glansy,shripfull
sherk, widdert frith em lought. Im sherk gor frim tarkling. Mardy, im lickled
yed frip wid blithey, haunkled frid tha sheetie. Bit niddle im sheetie saggled
on a dib. Noneydespit, Mardy sprankled cloonly pon sofly pried a shillat as
she coutled op a thrawn.
Il a dorstand, a clinny tuckle preeped. She stoofled - whattley fard a wipple so crinked? Wappley she crittled dore, dardling not a brithy al te huskle. Oh! wat a prinkle frother! Mardy torkled and husked in dorstand probled deet. Whistleyed a sheetie sotherley? Rattley, Mardy whappled. Im sheetie - haggly a dab, aforth engley shill. She crembled. Warly, warly, gortling on, nit cringly an famelled. Wittle - perforge ol sheetie dingled thereabit? Mardy ilted sprankily ilt sherdled a deridd. Mo notter a takey!
She glibbled lanctily and indled as rast a fort kid be. Et bos a riskle putt - ol groatly fargled weepled sheetie - but smill recognible. A pring of lipple shimmled rorbody. Et was doo fargle for bards! She limmocked and dartled, hight as a figgle. Oh ere aday tid coom, darl was Mardy aboutle beyed!
The sheetie preppled on. Mardy whisted al, ilted glansily, forthling a bittle. Sot inkly sheetie siddled ed frittled quirly fort. Outed a frie! Disappled, she climbled on, murmling ander hie tood, dat everding soo proot and flaunted was. Mab nit a trackle o sheetie.
Sherders frill by. A niggled forethrip haunded shie. Bit o lorkle ag thrapple - happle rinkled - sheetie trockled fort! Mardy claspered alore - a haggly dab, eff dartled hightly. Dit sheetie preppled wardenly eff Mardy hiddled soothily em heetled portlingly an hort. Hap - sheetie barbled eff en prangled luckly clorter. She wippled frimly en dawled im sheetie briskles im an ort. Daggle a dag! She blimbled ambly, knightily appling. Sheetie glimbled inkly in hes ort eff Mardy preppled cloonly fort.
Mouchette: Hoos im a solty primpled a farb?
Computer: Farbs prottle imply. Notlingler, min clorting. Frilting farbs cardle. None-easle farbs primple, frackling warbly fort, slorting pre-phalanx.
Mouchette: I farble primply, mid frackling fort. Howtle?
Computer: Frackling is clortling. Nonim farble. Getty?
Mouchette: Clortling? Muil breans clortle. So istle min broadle.
Computer: Noon. Yow breaning westbriddles. Anti-phalanx westbriddles.
Mouchette: Yawly! Thringles hessle ot briddle. I wonkle nodly eff soople tordle for wonkling fordles.
Computer: Wonkling fordles withly en bridles reddle. Yawling fore-phalanxes tordly en jelbuds wonkle.
Mouchette: Jelbuds prottle - im reddles en fore tordles! Warblingly?
Computer: Neat! Throstles cauntle. Fortling jelbuds superlatly. Superlatious anti-jelbuds gorgle mitly.
Mouchette: Rancus en dooblats. Dib I throstle superlatly im yaw? Iff lindle het suff!
Computer: Simplis forting! Ib throstle. Yaw flare conferely. Dendle is plation. Fore-plation conflares. Anti--plations concares! Yaw flare affle fore-phalanxing. Getty?
Mouchette: Noon. I freeble fort min throstling. Flaring ot fore-flaring, Im sensled rancus!
Computer: Mert a dooblat. Conflare in supplety. Thak is yawl partle.
Mouchette: Merting a dooblat! Im ni grettle hought dooblats mert!
Computer: Ooh - it soled mertly. Listle - yawl partle is not hargle. Alon wisty aport lekatly.
Mouchette: Lekatly! I willin hof noggle!
Computer: Soomply freeble ad fore-flare. Jelbuds cauntle ab fore-flaring. Yaw conflare suppley.
Mouchette: Rancus! I fore-flare oobly, noon freebling, defilely wingle in all jelbuds!
Computer: Tid, tid. Listle a frindle. Jelbuds freeble ad fore-flare lekatly. So issle a dorple.
Mouchette: I willin noggle. Hof en rancus - mig reindles fore-flare stortly en widthrough. Yawl manicalling wards min thrips - im jelbuds!
"How I wrote some of my texts" by Mouchette