Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
08 Aug 2021 Lotus Priest How many years have I been coming back here? Since 2009 at least, every couple years I find my back. I love you mouchette and pray you remain online for many more years to come.
01 Jul 2021 ☀️ mouchette, are we friends? i trust you with my deepest and most meaningful secrets
28 Jun 2021 ............... Reading poorly written stories. They will rot your brain until your brain is nothing but dirt and worms.
17 Jun 2021 inspector #78 Good afterevening but some time before sun rise still my jolly good fellows. I am having a smashing good time and I just had to come to tell everyone about it. Here goes.

My mumsie and daddykins left me home alone all by myself. I ran thru the house setting off three or four flea foggers per every room. Five in a big room. I shut myself in an interior room. I can still hear the foggers going off by the door. I am going to set off 3 in this room and run in the closet and close the door behind me. I have one left. I will put on a full hazmat suit then set off the fogger. When my parents return they will either be so happy they found me alive in a hazmat suit, or they will be very sad that their suit does not work. I tried to tell them it was a cheap knock off. Hecho en Chine. Rebranded junk. So we will see. I am either getting flea fogged or i am going to play tetris on my gameboy in the closet. Lets see how this goes. If I do not return to give a five star rating on these hazmat suits then, well. I guess i wont be coming over for dinner tonight.
05 Jun 2021 Milk What even is this, how do people even find this hellhole. Shits so weird. I found this shit from an old 2017 screenshot in an SD card. I remembered it vaguely. What is this?
09 May 2021 Sarah Connor Lettuce remember those who did not suck seed in their quest to bring an end to their suffering and are locked away in an asylum wearing straight jackets and getting daily injections and daily pills to keep them sedated. Perverted orderlys coming in their cell late night and having their way with them. Doctors trying to get them to stay forever so they can make more money. And eventually having all hope of freedom stripped away, becoming a ward of the state. Over the years slowly growing crazier and crazier from the meds, the abuse and neglect, restraints, poor diet, and being locked in a small room for 24 hours a day. Cabin fever. No sunlight. Hallucinations become intense and also common. Then they cant turn you into a normal citizen again with your brain fried on medications so they begin other treatment options. Extreme or rare cases do negate other treatment options, they say. First they start with electric shock therapy which is where they put a bit in your mouth so you do not damage your teeth when you bite down. Then they strap a device on your head with estim pads on your temples. They send electricity into your brain. After months of enduring this painful treatment and you dont turn into a perfect human, which not one person ever has, they give you a labotomy and put you in the zombie wing. Keep you sedated on thorazine. The only good news is now you wont know the orderlys are raping you daily.
08 Apr 2021 Lila Jump off a high building 🏣👩🏽‍🦯
03 Mar 2021 Shadow Killing won't fix any of your problems, it may end your suffering... but who knows? You may end up suffering even more in hell.
19 Feb 2021 ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ#8083 ad d me
11 Jan 2021 One.shot Soffocata fra le tette di Lucy Cortina
06 Nov 2020 idk the world would feel empty without you mouchette.
09 Oct 2020 Maxim Умереть во сне
08 Oct 2020 Fiona S. Walk forever.
01 Oct 2020 im so sad and alone i almost killed myself but ended up sharing in the desert
i saw a creature: naked, bestial
who, squatting upon the ground
held his heart in his hands
and ate of it.

i said, "is it good, friend?"
"it is bitter.. bitter," he answered

"but i like it"
"because it is bitter"
"and because it is my heart"
15 Aug 2020 Troll cunt Rest in peace Mouchette. I hope you are happier now.
11 Aug 2020 q_x_p To live is to die. If you want to die, you need to live. Life and death complete each other. Most people embrace one, but are afraid of the other. Be the inner balance; show fear of neither. Then, life comes quickly - to most. To you, it will bring death, for the master has control over themselves.
13 Jul 2020 kat hello mouchette
i want to be a beautiful woman like you
i have longed to be many different things over the years since meeting you

i am approaching the fortissimo of my life and i still have yet to experience the love and admiration of a best friend tracing on my back and sleeping in my bed during summer

i am allowed to pretend because of you thank you
13 Jul 2020 Mortimer Did mouchette get the communist Chinese virus?
07 Jun 2020 are you ready to rrruuuuumble? I cant believe its already riot season. I still have my covid-19 decorations up. And here comes hurricane season to blow us all away!!! Who needs suicide, its armageddeon time baby! Looks like charles manson was right... race wars in america.
31 May 2020 hi go outside. the corona is spreading easily and it isn't that hard to get it. or you know stop being a pussy and just jump off your roof head first. slit your neck. choke on some bleach. light your house on fire. become a cop and kill a black man. become a black man and kill a cop

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