Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
18 Feb 2024 леша я хачу управлять телекенезам вещен
18 Feb 2024 Johnny Melton Hey, Mouchette. Remember 2021?

Dammit, there's hope. More like a will to fight or run away, do ANYTHING instead of stay in one place and "take it" like I've done my whole life. If I run fast enough, I'll beat that damn ALS game. I'll mash buttons until I get that long-coveted happy ending.

"Happiness" implies contentment. I am not content, but I am hopeful. Trying is the least I can do.

You can be content but not happy. That is an office worker who hates his job and doesn't find any meaning. I'm the opposite. I'll run as fast as I can thru the thick forests of life. If I happen to scrape my skin on the jagged edges of the world, at least I'm bleeding eternal sunset.
18 Feb 2024 caitlin disconnecting from the matrix and releasing our world isnt real. Nothing is. Realise that and you'll be free
08 Feb 2024 Peekhan What is your secret to being able to stay 13 this entire time? Are our answers your eternal lifeblood?
07 Feb 2024 joe mama slit your neck
04 Feb 2024 lelya jump in front of a train
02 Feb 2024 Evy :3 I recently had a very strange dream, I woke up in a completely dark and empty room. when I got out of it and walked further and further, more and more blood began to appear. hands started coming out of the walls. As I walked further and further, I started seeing various monsters. when I walked through the entire corridor and rooms, I saw a door and I thought it led to the garden. then I wasn't wrong. when I opened the door I saw blood on the grass as if someone had just dragged some bodies there. these tracks led to the shed. when I approached it, I saw the bodies of my parents. there was blood and scattered organs everywhere. when I wanted to back out and escape from there, I felt someone breathing on my shoulder, when I looked I saw a monster covered in blood. he whispered something to me but it was in a different language and I didn't understand anything. I suddenly woke up and my mother was standing above me and told me that I was screaming in my sleep. I wish I had the rest of this dream so I could find out what this thing wanted from me.
30 Jan 2024 M23 Kill your identity when you're under 13. You'll have a new one. If you don't like the new-self, kill that identity also when you are 17.
29 Jan 2024 Mango Piranha The wheel of time has gone on turning long before we came into this world and will continue turning once we leave. Life is a farce. We are all insignificant specks of dust in the grand scheme of things
18 Jan 2024 мистер бебра использовать насмешку уравнителя
09 Jan 2024 apokjed does anyone know who created this site? I plan on making a mini-doc video for youtube and would love to know more
29 Dec 2023 日本在住の日本人 自分で死のうとしないで家族や学校、児童相談所、仲のいい大人、友達に相談してもう一度自分のことを考えることだと思う。ここにいる人たちに相談してもいいと思う。だから、生きろ!命ほど値段が高くて大切で貴重なものなんてない!あなたを誰かが傷つけようとしているなら助けようとする人も世界にはいる、あなたのことを嫌いな人がいるならあなたのことを好きな人もいる。だから、負けずに生きろ!がんばれ!応援してるよ!
29 Dec 2023 Asher (again?) A note to Mouchette, though I have already commented I am very happy I’ve found your website. It’s very easy to get lost in the internet. I know nothing about you, as “mouchette”, but I am sure you are my favorite person on my screen. I love the internet! -some 11 year old
25 Dec 2023 i dont know i don't think i ever really wanted to die in the first place i just wanted things to get better. what i didn't realize when i had the energy is that things won't get better without me actually trying to make them change

i've just kind of given up though. i plan on slitting my wrists one of these days when i feel less tired
22 Dec 2023 Randy_Hellsdogspawner Mouchette, what's so special about you?
how are you capturing my Interest. do you even exit. are you even real? or this is all just a sick play for you? I fucking hate myself muuchette. As I fucking hate t he world but somehow I find comfort in this strange website.
16 Nov 2023 millie Hello again Mouchette, I didnt mean to make you sick! Why did you get sick? I didnt mean to leave you. I didnt want to leave you. I hope you feel better soon. I love you Mouchette. Love from Millie
14 Nov 2023 millie Dear Mouchette, I have just seen my very own web page! How special! I wonder though if you are even real, Or if you even exist. Do you actually know me? Am I actually Special to you? Or is this all Automated. If you were a robot i suppose then you don't actually care or know me. Does your site even get people on there anymore? Do you even look at your site. I felt special at first but now i just feel sick and stupid. Are you even real? Am i getting excited over a bot? Do you exist? Or are you just an entity part of my imagination. Either way Mouchette I love you more then anyone in the world. I love you more then my parents, My dog, My sister, My friends. Even if you aren't real. I love the thought of you.
01 Nov 2023 Millie Oh mouchette why would you want to know this? What type of girl would want to die when they are under 13. I feel your pain mouchette i know what you are feeling and i will tell you this is no easy way to kill yourself. Eachone is filled with pain and suffering, You can overdose and fail like i did multiple times only to end up in the hopsital vomiting up bile until your stomach explodes, you can slit your wrists and fail again leaving a scar that will always remind you of the time you weren't strong enough to cut deep enough, You can hang yourself only to regret everything seconds before you die and struggle to breathe wishing you had never tied to noose in the first place. Pain. it is the soul thing we humans dispise. We hate it. SOme weirdos love it. but darling pain is the reason we are alive. You must push through. LIfe is hard. Oh its so hard. But death is not the answer. It never is. run away instead. LIve in the woods. I wish you well
11 Oct 2023 The I.T. Department Alt+F4 or Ctrl+Alt+Del to bring up Task Manager to manually close the program. If that doesn't help, just try restarting. Hope this helps!
10 Oct 2023 Wretched Lost, distant and accused.

The heat burns cold
Chemicals in the lungs,
Nothing to lose.

Confused mind,
Now fused.

Aching bones,
Tools waiting,
carved then used.

Freeze your scrolls,
Ignite the page,
Create the ink to infuse.

Sirens screaming songs,
will become your muse.

Muscles twisted,
skin tattooed.

Beauty passed the beast,
pay your dues.

So line up in your ques,
Time to choose your taboos.

Don't listen to the abused,
They're caressing your nanotubes.

Fuck youself in the late afternoon,
Colours become vibrant,
Teals and maroons.

Drown your woes,
Happiness alludes monsoons,
Sitting in the bottom of lagoons.

Echo Chambers,
Just smoking plumes.

Be yourself,
in or out of the womb.

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