Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

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What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
19 Apr 2024 evy :3 I recently had a very strange dream, I woke up in a completely dark and empty room. when I got out of it and walked further and further, more and more blood began to appear. hands started coming out of the walls. As I walked further and further, I started seeing various monsters. when I walked through the entire corridor and rooms, I saw a door and I thought it led to the garden. then I wasn't wrong. when I opened the door I saw blood on the grass as if someone had just dragged some bodies there. these tracks led to the shed. when I approached it, I saw the bodies of my parents. there was blood and scattered organs everywhere. when I wanted to back out and escape from there, I felt someone breathing on my shoulder, when I looked I saw a monster covered in blood. he whispered something to me but it was in a different language and I didn't understand anything. I suddenly woke up and my mother was standing above me and told me that I was screaming in my sleep. I wish I had the rest of this dream so I could find out what this thing wanted from me.
17 Apr 2024 Пётр eat a queen card
17 Apr 2024 archie I am going to down a bottle of Prozac and vodka tonight
11 Apr 2024 Poop poop pp pp To go bang bang on yourself
08 Apr 2024 chatterbox jump
06 Apr 2024 Minea Call me
01 Apr 2024 Kylian Probably a shotgun
01 Apr 2024 Cesar an overdosage of pills is the most easiest and peaceful method to me (from experience) i recommend listening to music while doing it to distract you from the headaches or if you want some pain, finding your most important veins and cutting through your limbs to find them are also possible, just choose whatever you like
30 Mar 2024 Kailani overdose
30 Mar 2024 No. Hanging urself and suffocating or overdosing. The least painful methods.
26 Mar 2024 твоя мама замбак
25 Mar 2024 idk Dont!
25 Mar 2024 geto sorry dont even try to kill yourself, its as simple as that
24 Mar 2024 Julien defenestrate
22 Mar 2024 the children i suppose it would have to be overdosing. you might as well just take an ass load of pills and down a bottle of wine
22 Mar 2024 Cosmo Dont, its not worth it at all.
18 Mar 2024 Amal I’m not under 13. But I really want to die.
17 Mar 2024 dia To not kill your self simple as that tf
17 Mar 2024 El Nahual well, you can jump off a building or bridge, or take a lot of stolen pills
17 Mar 2024 fjkdnsvhdf I wannna live. I've never think about the suicide kit before

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