Reading these suicide pages you will find people seeking help and people offering their help. Some witness about suicide from real life experience, others who play along with me would pretend it's a children's game. Some make sick and cruel jokes about it, and angry people blame me for even mentioning the subject. You might also want to read my favourite answers. If you want your answer to be included here, fill in the form.

Date Name/email

What is the best way to kill yourself when you're under 13?

Quelle est la meilleure forme de suicide pour les moins de 13 ans?
01 Nov 2004 Will Snow For those of you that dont understand what it feels like to want to kill yourself, why are you at this site. I got way down at weekend. To cutting up my arms. Blood everywhere. In fact it wouldnt stop. But i felt better afterwards. Perhaps im sick but those that dont understand, PLEASE go away!!
27 Oct 2004 Will Snow Hi, Im now living at a hostel for men. Or teenagers i should say. Im gay, so there's temptation(joke). No, I keep out of their way. I get nervous of people. They have fights and all sorts there. But, its clean and warm and I get breakfast included. My suicidal thoughts seem to have gone. Whether its my meds or whether its because i know things will be great when i get a place with my friend. I was on a low. And particularly when I had to leave my B+B, I had to leave my best friend behind. It was the worst thing ever. But things are getting better. You cant get any lower than being homeless. And MMichael10, dont let your manager abuse you. You have rights. He is breaking the law. So go to the authorities. It will be him that loses his job. Bye for now folks
19 Oct 2004 Will Snow Well, i managed to sleep another night at the B+B. Ohhh my landlord has someone that is ill that is below me. He told me yesterday that it is no concern of his and when the time comes he will call the undertaker. I thought to myself 'how cold you are'. I just hope he has the same sympathy when he is ill!!
18 Oct 2004 Will Snow Well, today i had to go to council with my landlord for recovery of the rent debt. I just wanna hide in a corner somewhere. Got no food left. Have to give landlord money from my bank account. So no food for a few days at least. Feel really down. Well, I have been on a high recently. But now im so scared. Id rather sleep in my car. Oh well.
07 Oct 2004 Will Snow I still cant bloody well get in here!!! Stupid stupid WEB MARSHALL. I will shove it up there ARSE SHALL.....
05 Oct 2004 Will Snow Ooooh, I cant read the bloody thing. Ive been blocked out by the 'Web Marshall'. Damn the rotters!!
04 Oct 2004 Will Snow Well, it looks as though my time is up at the B+B. Ooooh im not looking forward to going back there tonight. Im kinda scared.
01 Oct 2004 Will Snow Ohhh, didnt wanna get up this morning. My disability makes me exhausted sometimes. But I got woken up by my landlord. I heard her come up the stairs and I thought "Oh no, hope she doesnt knock on the door!". Well, I sleep with nowt on and it would have been embarrassing. But instead she put her bill under the door, thank god....
28 Sep 2004 Will Snow Well, I still havent found a loft hatch at the B+B. Perhaps if im 'kind' to one of the other guys that is living here during the week they may let me share their room. I could be a 'rent boy'. Ummm, some of them look pretty ugly actually. Oh well....
25 Sep 2004 Will Snow I might lose the room im living in at the B+B. So im trying to think of ideas. Well, I cant find a loft hatch so that I can retreat to a loft like I used to. Yeh, I would retreat to the loft if 'MAGGIE' became too much for me. Oh, those were the days of cuddling up to the pink loft insulation. Yes i did say PINK. Sorta goes with me being gay. But oooh, does it make you itch though. Loft insulation i mean!
24 Sep 2004 will snow Flamer, I thought you said you were gay? Ummm, youve confused me now. So you are lonely. Hmmm, I thought as much. I get lonely too sometimes but i dont get nasty like that. For FUCK sake get a life!!!
18 Sep 2004 Will Snow Flamer, WHAT IS YOUR PROB? You seem to be offensive to everyone here. I guess youre the one thats a complete ASS! You seem to have a bigger problem than anyone else. I assume you are lonely. Thats the only explanation or youre jealous. I have been shy with people for well as long as I can remember but sometimes I can talk to people ok, although when Im nervous I get my words muddled up or my voice goes funny.
07 Sep 2004 Will Snow Death is coming soon.............
06 Sep 2004 Will Snow For a start 'God' and 'Jesus' and the 'Holy Spirit' are the Holy trinity. So God and Jesus are the same even though Jesus is Gods son. I know its terribly confusing. Even i get confused sometimes by that. Well, I thought of hanging many times, particularly in my B+B bedroom. It would be easy to do as i have washing line with me. ummm.... perhaps one day.
03 Sep 2004 Will Snow Well yesterday I became very suicidal. The best way to get out of it was to spend loads of money. This probably seems irresponsible but it worked for me. Not that i got loads of money. xxx
27 Aug 2004 Will Snow I love faggots too, let alone being one myself.
22 Feb 2004 Will Snow Yesterday was such a horrible day:( Ohhh, god
20 Feb 2004 Will Snow Im feeling down today :( hmmmm
30 Jan 2004 Will Snow If everyone was suicidal the population would die out. I felt suicidal last night. Well, my wife was giving me grief. Well, i hear you say "How can you be gay and be married". It's a long story. I was too scared to tell anyone i am gay. So i just went with the flow. Sad sod that i am. A lot of people have given me support. People i thought wouldn't. But last night i felt as though something was eating me again, and suicide was the only option.
29 Jan 2004 Will Snow I have felt suicidal for some time now. But, i'm feeling better in myself. Life is for living. sometimes i have down days like today. But be strong everyone. There is light at the end of the tunnel, even though it sometimes doesn't seem like it. Luv ya xxx

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