is a very young artist who is nearly 13 since october 1996! Here is her
entry. |
Artistic events Dec 11: Online Fan Shop, an online shop, part of Mouchette's site and run by a mysterious fan Nov/Dec 11: Medium_Message 2.0 an infinite inventory, online exhibition at Year Zero One, presented in the space at Contact Gallery in Toronto, Canada. Oct 11: La Fiac 2011, online exhibition July/Aug11: Guerrilla Fan Shop at SKOR in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Articles and photos of the event March/Sept 11: Precarious Identities , Identités Précaires, in Espace Virtuel Jeu de Paume, Paris Oct 10: Grand Soir in LaFiac June 10: Ville Fantome in RevueBleuOrange Oct 09: Sharing Identity Workshop, Turn*on, Artivistic festival , Montreal Canada June 09: WJ-Spots, 15 years of creation on Internet, Maison des Métallos, Paris France. View online video of my presentation. *April 09: "Splashback", Rhizome's Splash pages 1998-2002 *Juin 08: Pratiques du Territoire, conférence de Martine Neddam au Centre Dare-Dare, Montréal Canada *May 08: "Etre ou ne pas être Mouchette", online exhibition in ITEM, UQAM, Canada, présentation of Grand_Soir *Feb 08: Swap, Use & Abuse your identity, in Beauty Parlour, Mediamatic, Amsterdam *Sept 07: Knotenpunkte, exhibition of digital works in the Contemporary Art Museum of Siegen, Germany. See related blog and pictures of the works. *March 07: artistic residency in La Chambre Blanche Quebec, Quebec, Canada *June 06: Lecture on Virtual Characters. Net.kulturni klub mama, Zagreb, Croatia: *March 06: DorkBotToronto ---- event and presentation at Interaccess, *Oct 05: Conférence ICI, UQAM, Montréal, Canada *Aug 05: Virtuelle Identitäten in Ladyfest 2005 Berlin, Germany *May 05: Flash Festival "intime*10" Centre Pompidou Paris France *August 04: KUNSTNETZNRW.DE, Virtuelle Galerie *March 04: WEBeSCAPE, in Palermo, Italy; web room Mouchette *March 04: Digitalia, curated by Michele Thursz, Wood Street Gallery, Pittsburgh, USA. *March 04: SYZYGY (the Human Remix), Art In Motion Festival, University of Southern California *Jan /may 04: P2P[iece] Project, POSTARTUM, Long Beach California *Jan 04:Medi@terra festival 6, Athens, Greece *Dec 03: "Online Identities as learning tools", lecture at the Departement of New Media, University of Shanghai, China *Nov 03: Tage der Kunstvermittlung, lecture and website presentation in Schöppingen, Germany *Nov 03:The work "Squint" is acquired in the collection of the Conseil Général du Territoire de Belfort, France *Oct 03: "Identity-Sharing Interface", Workshop and conference in Zagreb, Croatia *Apr 03: "Will you take over my website?" Event at Postmasters Gallery, New York, with the collaboration of AKairways and agent.netart *Spring 03: Residence at Franklin Furnace, New York, Mouchette was recipient of the grant "The Present of the Future 2002". *5 Dec 02: Digitales, cyberfeminist conference, website presentation, Brussels, Belgium *16 Nov 02: Femmes d'images néerlandaises, presentation of website, Maison Européenne de la Photo, Paris, France *Nov 02: La Compagnie, Marseille, Fr. "Mouchette prise dans la toile" , website presentation made by a local girl, Assia, public debate, and workshops. * Sept 02: Copy Cult organises a support action against the censorship of Mouchette's website *Oct 02: SOLD exhibition and sale at Christie's organised by Jim Beard Gallery, Amsterdam, NL *Sept 02: "Lookalike, Barbie Lolita Lara Croft" at the Nederlands Foto Instituut, Rotterdam, NL *Aug 02: Dialoque organised by an online show with works from their collection. Mouchette in Computerfinearts *Jun 02: Break Festival, "Dead or Alive" , Ljubljana, Slovenia *Feb 02: Splash page for *Jan 02: the work "" by Mouchette is acquired in the collection of Computer Fine Arts, New York *Jan 02: FilmwinterFestival, Stuttgart, Germany, finalist in the NewMedia award competition *Jan 02: Featured at DIAN-network, Germany *Dec 01: My_Last_Birthday_Party, event in De Balie, Amsterdam, created and curated by Mouchette, CDrom edition *Nov 01: CYNETart in Dresden, Germany, CYNETart award 2001 for "Lullaby for a Dead Fly" *Oct 01: "Animations" in PS1, New York *Oct 01: Impakt Festival, Utrecht, NL, *Sept 01 :Design of a carrier bag for OIKIA, Almere, NL *Sept
01 Pixel
Plunder, YearO1, Toronto, Canada *Sep
01 : Split
festival of film and new media, Kroatia *Sep 01: I hate Mouchette, a virus alert (example) *Aug 01 : Hello cursor curated by Kipark, in Seoul, Korea *Jul 01:Stop the hate in collaboration with *Jul 01: Connecting the dots, Web-Art and the bigger picture, website presentation at the Power Plant, Toronto, Canada *Jun 01:I Hate Mouchette in collaboration with *Apr 01: Faces of Laughter, female strategies in art, website presentation, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL, (letter sent to the mailing list for the occasion) *Apr 01:Talking Pixels, Taos Festival, New Mexico, USA *Feb 01:The Htmlles, feminist digital art festival, Studioxx, Montreal, Canada An archive of in 2001 *Dec 00:"Trust me" at the New Museum, New York USA, (review) *Dec 00 :"Détournement et simulacre" Interférences festival, CICV Belfort, France *Oct 00:Festival Nouveau Cinéma Nouveaux médias, Montreal, Canada *May 00: Nominated for the SFMoMa webby prize *May 00: Inside Out, Impakt Festival Utrecht NL *Apr 00: Net Affects, De Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam, NL *Mar 00: "Nuevapropiedadcultural.html" Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil, Mexico *Mar 00: A multiple for sale at Artcart *Dec 99: A Splash page for Rhizome *Nov 99: Net-art 99 Second Prize for Flesh&Blood *Oct 99 until Jul 00: Member of the artists collective *June 99: "Tijdbestek" exhibition of digital images, CBK Nijmegen, NL *Jan 99: Question project at Candy Factory, Tokyo *Sept 98: "Digital Flesh&Blood" (archived in the Rhizome ArtBase) *Sept 98: Biennale de Montreal, Canada, Mouchette's presentation *Feb 98: exhibition at the Candy Factory in Tokyo *Dec 97: "A suicide kit for Christmas", Galerie Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem, NL, *Sept 97:Triple X festival, Amsterdam "Mouchette LIVE! at the festival" *March 97: "Blind Shells" with Ben Schot, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, NL *Feb 97:Audio-CD
of Mouchette�s texts, produced by CBK Rotterdam, NL *Oct 1996
Creation of the web site Mouchette |
Articles and publications Dec 11: About the Online Fan shop at Year Zero One, *July 11: A fanzine created for the Guerrilla fan shop, sold in the online fan shop. PDF version downloable here *May 11: "How to be pink and conceptual at the same time", a conversation between Martine Neddam and Annet Dekker. *April 11: A website created by a pseudonymous by Marialagskie *Aug 10: "So what is it" by Figaro Girl *Feb 10: Imaginary Friends in Effets de Présence by Paule Mackrous, *Feb 10: Video archive of Mouchette *June 09: Personnages virtuels et Web 2.0 selon Martine Neddam par Paule Mackrous, .dpi, Revue électronique du du StudioXX, Montréal Canada *May 09: "In Search of the Unexpected", Navigating E-Cultures, Interview of Martine Neddam by Annet Dekker, Virtueel Platform, Amsterdam, Netherlands *May 09: Revue bleuOrange, Martine Neddam au comité de publication *Apr 09: Rants and Raves, "A website created by a pseudonymous author" *Apr 09: The , "The Mystery of Mouchette" *Apr 09: Beautiful Decay Magazine, "Who is Mouchette" *Jan 09:, *Dec 08: Sereneskunk *Oct 08: Notes by Edo Muric, 1 october 2008 *Sept 08: Images mises au Net par Jean Paul Fourmentraux in Etudes Photographiques n 22 *Sept 08: La création au risque d'internet "Mouchette oeuvre et/ou artiste" par Jean-Paul Fourmentraux in Revue d'Ethnologie Française 2008 *May 08: Author Unknown in Theateramneumarkt *May 08: Mouchette on MySpace Music created by an unknown fan. *May 08: Labo NT2, Nouvelles Technologies, nouvelles textualités. *May 08: Mafia Rose (in French) 30 Mai 2008 *May 08: ITEM, une interview de Martine Neddam for the online magazine, UQAM, Montreal (in French) *April 08: by Fabricatorz and comments *Feb 08: Mouchette... building a persona , by Improvising Systems, MFA curating, Goldsmiths, University of London. *Nov 07: RitNit 2007/11/07/mouchette, Medialab (in spanish) *Sept 07: Mouchette in Real Life in Poptronics (in french) *Feb 07: by Marr *Sept 06: Suicide Kit by Rutger Lemm in Spunk (in dutch) *May 06: Mouchette in Universitat Oberta de Catalunya *April 06: New Media Art, book by Mark Tribe and Jana Reena, Taschen editor, Wikipedia entry based on the book *April 06: Au delà d'un conformisme de la subversion by Paul Mathias *Dec 05: Mouchette, by Luciana Romano in LucianaPoetica *Dec 05: Fieldstudies: No ghost, just a shell (in german) *Oct 05: NewMediaFix, interview with Peter Luining *July 05: "Best of-Mouchette" by Luis Silva in Source Code *June 05: Rape, Murder and Suicide are easier when you use a keyboard shortcut in Leonardo Journal, volume 38 (pdf), MIT Press, interview of Mouchette by Manthos Santorineos *Feb 05: Mouchette interviewed by castTiNg (Italy) *Nov 04: Performing Identity conference by Hanne-Louise Johannesen *Nov 04: SAIC ArtistBooksWebArt's Archive *Sept 04: "In search of Mouchette" by Young Hae Chang Heavy Industries, in New Langton Arts *Aug 04: "Über die Fliege, den Computer und die Identität in Zeiten des Internets" by Matthias Weiss, Shöppinger Forum der Kunstvermittlung, N.3 page 90/105 *Mar 04: Interview with Mouchette by Peter Luining published in Rhizome and Nettime *Fev 04: Interview with Mouchette by Manthos Santorianios in Fournos Center Athens, Greece *Jan 04: Mouchette in "Interactivity and Accountability" at *Dec 03: "Le à travers l'interactivité directe et indirecte" par Mylène Cabana *Dec 03: Interview with Mouchette in Gary Owens' M.A. Dissertation University of Lancashire, England *Nov 03: "To/You/Only" a personal comment in Sally McKay's weblog *Apr 03: Postmasters gallery event reviewed by MTAA with photos *Apr 03: Apr 03: "Cercasi nuova Mouchette", Random Exibart, Italy *14 Apr 03:"Could you be the next Mouchette?" Net Art News Rhizome *Feb 03: "Que la véritable Mouchette s'élève!" by Pierre Robert in Archee *Dec 02: "A Critical Analysis of" posted in a newsgroup *Dec 02: "Je vis derrière l'écran de mon ordinateur", at Digitales cyberfeminist conference, Brussels, Belgium *Nov 02: "L'affaire Bresson contre Mouchette", Le Monde, Fr *Nov 02: "Mouchette démultipliée sur le Net" Libération, Fr *Sept 02: "Fiktive samtalepartnere", in FORM, issue 36, NO *Apr 02: "Mouchette: fenomeen en fantoom", by Lucia van der Drift, in Kunstblad, NL *Jan 02: "La communication imperceptible" par Pierre Robert in Archée *Jan 02: Les ficelles du dispostif artistique "Mouchette" par J.P. Fourmentraux in Archée *Jan 02 : Filmwinter: Webkunst in *Nov 01 : Net artista a (quasi) tredici anni, Valentina Tanni, in Succoacido *Oct 01 : "La communication imperceptible" by Pierre Robert, in Veillee planétaire d'art en réseau *Aug 01 : New Media, New Narrative, text and interview by David Crawford *Jul 01 : "Mouchette, it's a cyber thing" by Jenny Boulboullé in SIMULACRUM, NL *Jul 01 : "Will the Real Mouchette please stand up" in Rhizome, Net Art News *Jul 01 : CIAC Electronic Magazine, #13, Montreal Cananda *Jun 01 :
"Meisje van 13 (voor altijd)" DeTijd, Belgium *May 01 : About 7 interactive songs, Kunstnett Norge, Norway *Feb 01 :"A closer look at the digital narrative", (600k) by Lamborn, *Sept 00: Mouchette: net artista a tredici anni ? Random, Exibart Italy *Sept 00: "Specificities of Online Art, The case of Mouchette" in Rhizome *Aug 00: Photo Net by Ricky Cox, in Photofile, Australia *Jun 00: Les spécificités de l'art en ligne, by Richard Barbeau in Archée *May 00: "Mouchette" by Annick Bureaud in ArtPress, France *Mar 00: Tema Celeste, Italy *Jan 00: El Pais Digtal, Lo artistas hablan *Sept 99: Flesh&Blood archived in the Rhizome database *Apr 99: Art in America, State of the (On-line) Art, by Robert Atkins *May 97: The quiz around the film "Mouchette" by Bresson published in the dutch film magazine SKRIEN *Feb 97: Publication of texts in the dutch litterature magazine: BZLLTIN |